General Tab of the Options Dialog Box

Use the options on the General tab to select a calendar view, specify a timeframe, select reporting options, and generate a report.


Field Description
Report Name

You can leave the report name as is, or enter a different name in this field.

You cannot use special characters, such as the following:  /  \  :  *  ?  "  <  >   |

Monthly, Weekly, Daily Select the calendar view to include on the report: Monthly, Weekly, or Daily.

Enter the start date (first field) and end date (second field) for the report. These dates are inclusive, which means your report will include the start date, the end date, and all months, weeks, and days that fall between the start and end dates.

Click in these fields to select a date from a calendar.

Select Type

Select the type of activities to include on the report, such as Meetings or Phone Calls.

Hide Private

Select this check box to exclude private activities from the report.


Click beside the Options field in the lower left corner of the General tab to display a dialog box that contains one or more folders of saved reporting options for the current report. Click a set of saved options to apply all settings in the saved set to the current report.


Click this button to display the Organize Options dialog box, which you can use to save all current settings on all options tabs. The procedures that are available depend on the setting for the Lookup/Reporting Organizing option in Security Configuration.


Click this button to restore the defaults for the tab.

Help Click this option to display help.
Apply/Run Click this option to run the report with the options that you selected.
Cancel Click this option to close the Options dialog box without saving your changes.