Approval Indicator
This column displays a check mark icon or a stop icon to represent the state of an expense report line item, based on the approvals workflow. Hover the mouse cursor over the icon to display a tooltip containing the last comment that was made for the corresponding expense report line item. Click the icon displayed in the column to open the Expense Report Line Item Approval dialog box, which displays the Progress tab with the progress and history of the record. The information on the Progress tab is not editable.
This is the first column displayed in the Expense Report grid if the approvals workflow is enabled for expense reports. This column does not have a label.
The approvals workflow for expense reports is enabled in
This column displays the record number assigned to a record based on the order when the record was created. The record number moves with the record as the grid is sorted or filtered.
Enter the date on which you incurred the expense item.
You can enter a date directly in this field or click
(which displays when you click in the
Date field) and select a date.
If you use the Credit Card feature and import credit card statement charges into Vision: For imported credit card charges that you add to an expense report from the Credit Card pane, the
Date field prefills with the date from the imported credit card charge.
Merchant Description
This field displays if you use the Credit Card feature and import credit card charges into Vision.
If you add a charge from the Credit Card pane on the Expense Report form to an expense report, a row in the expenses grid prefills with the charge information. The
Merchant Description field displays the contents of the
MerchantDescription field that was imported into Vision for the credit card charge. This is the merchant or description from the credit card statement that helps employees identify a charge.
To automatically display the Merchant Description in expense reports, set the
Map to expense report description option to
Merchant Description in
Use the drop-down list in this field to select an expense category for the expense item. The list displays both a category name and the name of the employee expense group to which the category is assigned.
After you select a category, the appropriate direct, indirect, or reimbursable general ledger account that is associated with the category prefills in the
Account field in this grid. The account that prefills is based on the charge type (regular, overhead, or promotional) of the project that you enter in the
Project field and the billing status that you enter in the
Bill field for the expense item.
Expense categories and their associated general ledger accounts are set up in
You must enter a category for an expense item on an expense report if your system administrator has set up the Expense Report application to require the use of categories on all expense reports. This setting is on the Setup tab in
Enter a brief description of the expense item. This description displays on various Vision reports and can be printed on invoices.
Select this option to enter additional information about the expense item.
When you select this option, Vision displays one of four Detail forms:
- General Detail
- Business Meals Detail
- Travel Detail
- No Detail
Enter details in the fields on the form and click
OK. You cannot enter detail information on the No Detail form.
If you are not using expense categories, the General Detail form always displays. If you are using expense categories, your system administrator determines which form displays for each category.
Currency Code
This field displays only if you are using the Multicurrency feature. It displays the functional currency code specified for your company on the Currency tab of General Company Settings Configuration. Use the drop-down list in this field to select a different currency for any individual line item on the expense report.
For example, if you submit an expense report following a business trip to multiple countries, you might enter USD, EUR, and CAD as currencies for various line items. This makes it easier for you to match source documents, such as hotel receipts, to the charges on the expense report.
If you use the Credit Card feature and import credit card charges into Vision: When you add an imported credit card charge from the Credit Card pane to an expense report, the
Currency Code from the Credit Card pane prefills in
Currency Code field. This is the transaction currency code for the credit card charge.
Enter the monetary amount of the expense item.
If you have the Tax Auditing feature enabled, this amount is used for calculating the taxes that prefill in the
Total Tax Amount field in this grid.
If you use the Multicurrency feature, enter the amount that corresponds to the currency code that you have specified for the expense item in the
Currency Code field.
If you use the Credit Card feature and import credit card charges into Vision: When you add an imported credit card charge from the Credit Card pane to an expense report, the
Amount field prefills with the amount in the
Remaining Amount field from the Credit Card pane.
Payment Amount
If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the amount to be paid in the functional currency, after any exchange overrides have been applied.
- Vision stores transaction amounts in the functional currency of the company that owns (via organization structure) the project, phase, or task charged for the transaction.
- If the transaction currency and functional currency differ, Vision uses the daily exchange rates you establish in Configuration to calculate the amount to be paid in the functional currency, unless you specify an override.
- You can override exchange rates for individual line items or for an entire expense report.
If you use the Credit Card feature and you import credit card charges into Vision: When you add an imported credit card charge from the Credit Card pane to an expense report, the
Payment Amount field displays the contents of the
Payment Amount field from the Credit Card pane. This is the transaction amount in the credit card currency. For example, if a United States employee took a trip to Japan and used a US credit card, the amount in the
Payment Amount field is in the US currency.
Payment Exchange Rate
If you use the Multicurrency feature, use this field to specify an exchange override for a single line item on the expense report. Vision uses the override you enter to determine the payment amount.
- Vision stores transaction amounts in the functional currency of the company that owns (via organization structure) the project, phase, or task charged for the transaction.
- If the transaction currency and functional currency differ, Vision uses the daily exchange rates you establish in Configuration to calculate the amount to be paid in the functional currency, unless you specify an override.
- You can use the
Currency option on the toolbar to specify an exchange override for the entire expense report.
Project and/or Project Name
Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the
Project field, the
Project Name field, or both fields.
Enter the project for which the expense was incurred.
- If
Project displays, enter the project number.
- If
Project Name displays, enter the project name.
- If both fields display, enter a project number in the
Project field, and the project name displays automatically in the
Project Name field.
You can enter a project number or name directly in these fields, use the Quick Find feature, or click
in these fields to use the Project lookup.
Phase and/or Phase Name
Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the
Phase field, the
Phase Name field, or both fields.
- If
Phase displays, enter the phase number.
- If
Phase Name displays, enter the phase name.
- If both fields display, enter a phase number in the
Phase field, and the phase name displays automatically in the
Phase Name
You can enter a phase number or name directly in these fields, use the Quick Find feature, or click
in the fields to use the Phase/Task lookup.
Task and/or Task Name
Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the
Task field, the
Task Name field, or both fields.
- If
Task displays, enter the task number.
- If
Task Name displays, enter the task name.
- If both
Task and
Task Name display, enter a task number in the
Task field and the task name displays automatically in the
Task Name field.
You can enter a task number or description directly in these fields, use the Quick Find feature, or click
in the fields to use the Phase/Task lookup.
Select this check box to bill the client for the expense item.
Company Paid
Select this check box if an expense is company paid. Company-paid expenses are paid to a vendor, not reimbursed to an employee.
A common example is when you purchase an airline ticket for business travel, and the airline charges your company instead of you (the employee) for the expense. Your company pays the airline for the ticket, but you add the expense to your expense report to create an audit trail.
- If you select the
Company Paid check box, Vision credits the project, phase, and task account that is specified on either the Setup tab of Company Expense Report Configuration or the Expense Categories dialog box.
- If you do not select the
Company Paid check box, Vision credits the project, phase, task and account specified on the Posting tab of Accounting Company Settings Configuration.
If you use the Credit Card feature and import credit card charges from your company-paid credit card company into Vision: When employees add a credit card charge from the Credit Card pane to an expense report, the
Company Paid check box is selected automatically. This option remains cleared if the expense is associated with an employee paid credit card and therefore being paid by the employee.
Credit Card
This field displays if you use the Credit Card feature in Vision.
When you use the Credit Card feature, you can manually enter credit card charges in the expenses grid on the Expense Report form, or you can select a charge that was imported into Vision from the credit card statement.
When You Manually Enter a Credit Card Charge to a Row in the Expenses Grid
When you select the
Company Paid check box for an expense that you add to the grid, the
Credit Card field is enabled. From the drop-down list in this field, select the credit card that was used to pay for the expense item. The list includes only the secondary credit cards that are assigned to you (the employee).
When You Add a Charge from the Credit Card Pane to the Expenses Grid
When you add a charge from the Credit Card pane on the Expense Report form to the expense report, a row in the expenses grid prefills with the charge information. The
Credit Card field displays the code of the secondary credit card that is assigned to the employee for the charge.
Originating Vendor
This field displays only if you selected the
Enable Originating Vendor for Employee Expenses and AP Vouchers check box on the Tax Auditing tab in
Click in this field to display
and click this icon to open the Vendor lookup. Select the vendor from whom the expense item was originally purchased. For example, an employee may have paid for a hotel room and a plane ticket. You can associate the expense items with the specific hotel and airlines vendors.
You can select active or inactive vendors, but not dormant vendors.
If you use the Multicompany feature, you can select only vendors that are approved for use for processing for the active company. (The
Approved for use in processing company xx setting is on the Accounting tab in the Vendor Info Center.)
Total Tax Amount
This field displays only if the
Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box is selected on the Tax Auditing tab in
If you require users to enter categories on expense reports (a check box for this setting is in Company Expense Configuration on the Setup tab in
), then the
Total Tax Amount field prefills with the calculated tax amount for an expense report item after you enter an amount in the
Amount field in this grid. The calculation occurs as follows:
- If the category that is entered in the
Category field in this grid has default tax codes entered for it in Expense Categories Configuration (on the Expense Categories dialog box displayed from the Expense Categories form in
), then the tax rates that are entered for the default tax codes for the expense category are applied to the amount in the
Amount field to calculate the total tax amount.
- If a category that is entered in the
Category field in this grid has no default tax codes entered for it in Expense Categories Configuration (on the Expense Categories dialog box displayed from the Expense Categories form in
), then the tax rates that are entered for the default tax codes on the Tax Auditing tab in
that have an active status and the
Employee Expenses check box selected in the Inputs section in Taxes Configuration are applied to the amount in the
Amount field to calculate the total tax amount.
If expense categories are not required and no category is entered in the
Category field in this grid, then the total tax amount is 0.
The tax amount that is automatically calculated, or the
0.00 that displays in this field if no tax is calculated, is a blue, underlined amount. Click the blue hyperlink to open the Tax Codes dialog box, where you can view, add, or remove tax codes to recalculate the tax amount, or you can directly change the tax amounts. Whether or not you can change the tax codes or tax amount on the Tax Codes dialog box is controlled by the
Allow staff users to change tax codes and
Allow staff users to change tax amounts check boxes in Expense Categories Configuration (on the Expense Categories dialog box from the Expense Categories form in
When you change the amount in the
Total Tax Amount field by using the Tax Codes dialog box, the amount in the
Net Amount field in the Expense Report grid is updated automatically.
Net Amount
This field is available only if you selected
Enable Tax Auditing Feature on the Tax Auditing tab of
This field displays the net expense amount, which is the expense amount in the
Amount field minus the tax amount in the
Total Tax Amount field.
If you change the amount in this field, the amounts in the
Amount and
Total Tax Amount fields are updated automatically.
Account and/or Account Name
Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the
Account field, the
Account Name field, or both fields. Enter the general ledger account to be debited for the expense item. You can enter an account directly in this field, use the Quick Find feature, or click
in the
Account field to use the Account lookup.
A direct, indirect, or reimbursable account may prefill in this field based on the expense category, the charge type of the project, and the billing option that you enter for the expense item in this grid. The accounts that prefill are set up for expense categories in
When you enter an expense category for an expense item in the
Category field in the grid, the
Account field prefills with one of the following accounts that is set up for an expense category in Expense Report Configuration:
- The direct account if the expense item is charged to a regular project and it is non-billable (the
Bill check box is not selected in this grid).
- The indirect account if the expense item is charged to an overhead or promotional project. The indirect account also prefills if you do not use organizations or you do not have separate balance sheets in Vision, and you enter an expense item without a project.
- The reimbursable account if the expense item is charged to a regular project and it is billable (the
Bill check box is selected in this grid)
If you use the Multicurrency feature and a currency has been specified for this account on the General tab of the Accounts Info Center, then the account is a
foreign denominated account. All transactions affecting a foreign denominated account must be in the same currency.
Use this field to associate one or more documents with the expense report. A
Document Uploaded icon displays to indicate that a document is uploaded and associated.