Change Expense Report Labels and Make Fields Required

You can change default label names on the Expense Report form and mark fields as required for Accounting and/or CRM users. Your changes automatically display when users open the Expense Report form.

The Vision Screen Designer includes a feature that allows you to insert a user defined workflow button on the Expense Report form to initiate an external workflow.

To change the Expense Report form, complete the following steps:

  1. Open an expense report to access the Expense Report application.
  2. Click at the bottom right of the Expense Report.

    Vision displays the Design form.

  3. Change the form to suit your company's needs.
  4. To make a field required, select the field and then select the appropriate option (CRM, Accounting, CRM & Accounting) in the Required field in the Properties pane.

    Vision marks the field as required based on the user's role type, as specified in Configuration > Security > Roles.

  5. Click OK.