Project Planning Performance Labor and Expense Tab

Use the Labor and Expense tab to specify additional options for displaying labor, expense, and consultant data on the Project Planning Performance report.


Field Description
Include Budgeted Employees Select this option to include employees (named resources) who are budgeted in plans.
Include Non-Budgeted Employees Select this option to include employees who are not budgeted in plans but who have hours charged to projects that are mapped to the plans.
Include Generic Resources

Select this option to include generic resource categories (such as architect or geologist). Generic resources can be based on either labor codes or labor categories.

When you select this option, but neither the Include Budgeted Employees nor the Include Non-Budgeted Employees option is selected, the Project Planning Performance report groups together generic resources with similar labor categories or labor codes based on the generic method of the plan. The labor category or labor code description displays instead of the generic resource name. If different generic resources exist, an asterisk displays after the labor category or labor code description.

Include Tasks with no Resources Assigned Select this option to include tasks to which no named resources or generic resource categories are assigned.
Include Non-Budgeted Expense Accounts Select this option to include expense accounts that are not budgeted in plans but that have amounts charged to projects that are mapped to the plans.
Include Tasks with no Expenses Assigned Select this option to include tasks to which no expenses are assigned.
Show Vendor Name Select this option to display the names of vendors associated with planned expenses.
Include Non-Budgeted Consultant Accounts Select this option to include consultant expense accounts that are not budgeted in plans but that have amounts charged to projects that are mapped to the plans.
Include Tasks with no Consultants Assigned Select this option to include tasks to which no consultant expenses are assigned.
Show Consultant Name Select this option to display consultant names.
Include Non-Budgeted Unit Accounts Select this option to include unit expense accounts that are not budgeted in plans but that have amounts charged to projects that are mapped to the plans.
Include Tasks with no Units Assigned Select this option to include tasks to which no unit expenses are assigned.