Click this option to display the draft invoice. If the billing terms are set up to generate the Billing Backup report, a dialog box displays to give you the option to include the Billing Backup report in the preview.
If the invoice has been downloaded to Microsoft Word or another application for editing, Vision displays that invoice file in the appropriate application when you click
Preview, rather than generating a preview version from the current invoice data.
Update Fees
If the selected invoice includes fees, click this option to display the Billing Terms form and update the percent complete. Whether or not the invoice has fees, you can also click this option if you want to update the description or other information on the General tab of the Billing Terms form.
This option is only available if the approval status of the invoice is submitted and the invoice has not been downloaded to Microsoft Word or another application for editing. You must also have the required security access for the Billing Terms form.
Include New Transactions
On the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs, a transaction that is eligible for billing based on the billing session options has a New status if the transaction was not linked to the invoice at the time that it was submitted for approval. For example, a transaction that was transferred to the project after the invoice was submitted would have
New in
Invoice Status. If the invoice has been submitted, a transaction with
New in
Invoice Status will not be included on the invoice. If you want to include all transactions with
New in
Invoice Status on the invoice, click
Include New Transactions on the toolbar. Vision then changes the status to
Submitted for those transactions.
This option is not available if the invoice has been downloaded to Microsoft Word or another application for editing.
If you use the Invoice Approvals feature: When you transfer a labor, expense, or unit transaction
within a project or
within a billing group in Interactive Billing or Interactive Approvals, the transferred transaction record retains the same status (New, Submitted, or Approved) as the original transaction. If you are transferring to a different project, the transferred transaction is assigned a New status.
Click this option to approve the selected invoice for billing. Vision sends an alert to the user defined in the invoice approval process to direct them to final accept the invoice.
You must click
OK on the Billing Comments dialog box to complete the approval. If you click
Cancel, the invoice approval status does not change. After you approve an invoice, you can no longer make changes to the invoice information or transaction detail in Interactive Approvals. To make changes, display the invoice on the Interactive Billing form.
This option is only available if the approval status is
Submitted and if you are an approver for the project.
Click this option if the invoice cannot be approved. Vision sends an alert to the person responsible for billing to notify them of the rejection. The Billing Comments dialog box opens when you click this option. Use that dialog box to explain the reason for the rejection.
You must click
OK in the Billing Comments dialog box to complete the rejection. If you click
Cancel, the invoice approval status does not change. After you reject an invoice, you can no longer make changes to the invoice information or transaction detail in Interactive Approvals. To make changes, display the invoice on the Interactive Billing form.
This option is only available if the approval status of the invoice is Submitted and if you are a rejecter for the project.
Invoice Approvals
Click this option to display, on the Invoice Approvals form, a summary of all invoices in the approval process for which you are defined as approver, rejecter, or biller.
If you used the
View Details option on the toolbar on the Invoice Approvals form to display an invoice on the Interactive Approvals form, click this option to return to the Invoice Approvals form.
Project Review
Click this option to display information for the project on the Project Review form.
This option is not available if your security role does not have access to the Project Review form.
Project Info Center
Click this option to display the currently selected project in the Project Info Center in a separate window. If you have the required security access, you can edit the project information in that window.
This option is not available if your security role does not have access to the Project Info Center.
Click this option for information about the Interactive Approvals form.