Use the fields in this group box to select the date criteria for the assignments.
Select the range of dates in which you are searching for planned hours.
The first time you use Resource Utilization, Vision defaults the start date to today's date, and the end date to the end date of the fourth consecutive period. For example, if the start date is February 1 and the
View By option is set to
Week, then the end date is four weeks after the start date. In this case the end date is February 28.
The last date range determines the default dates in
Assignments each subsequent time you use Resource Utilization. Because you cannot leave these fields blank, if you remove the dates Vision enters the last date range as the default.
View By
View By option dictates how dates and values are reported for the Planned Start, Planned End, and Period columns. If your
View By selection differs from the plan's scale for the selected date range, Vision automatically calculates the values that display. For example, if you save a plan using a month interval but now select week, Vision prorates the month's planned hours into planned hours per day, and combines the days to display the appropriate number of hours per week.
Select one of the
View By options (Day, Week, Month, and so on) to use as the interval on the Resource Utilization grid.
Search to execute the search after entering all criteria.
Filtering Fields
Use the
Organization Filter,
Labor Category Filter, Employee Filter, and
Plan Filter fields to refine the common search filtering options.
When you click the
Plus Sign, additional options display for each filter.
Make changes as needed and click the
Minus Sign to close the options for each filter. Vision applies all filter options to the search, regardless of which filter options are open and closed.
This field displays if you use Vision organizations. Use the Organization lookup to specify the organization to use for limiting the search. On the lookup, Vision lists all levels of organizations; if you select a lower-level organization, Vision automatically selects its associated higher levels as well.
Apply To
This field displays if you use Vision Organizations and you select selected an Organization filter. Use these options to define the level to which Vision should search the organization. Options are:
Employee/Generic Resources — Select this option to search the employee organization or generic resource.
Plan — Select this option to search the plan's organization.
Project — Select this option to search the organization by project or Work Breakdown Structure level 1 (WBS1).
Labor Categories
This field displays if labor categories are defined within Vision Configuration. If selected, Vision compares the assigned labor category to the employee’s labor category. Options are:
All Labor Categories —
Select this option to include all employees and generic resources, regardless of their labor category affiliation, when conducting a search.
Selected —
Use this drop-down list to specify the labor category for the search.
Select one of the following options for including employees in the search:
All —
Select this option to include all employees when conducting a search.
Those With Planned Hours in Period —
Select this option to include only employees with planned hours in the selected period.
Those With Planned Hours in Period on My Plans —
Select this option to include employees with planned hours in the selected period for plans for which you are the project manager. Any other plans that these employees have planned hours for during the period are also listed when this option is selected.
Selected Employees —
Use this drop-down list to specify one or more employees for the search. If you select one employee, the
Selected field displays that employee's name. If you select multiple employees, the field displays
<Records Selected>. Vision does not require the specified employee to have planned hours in the defined period.
This field displays if you choose the
Selected Employees option in the
Employees field. Use this drop-down to select one or more employees to include in the search.
Saved Search
Use this option to select a saved global or personal search.
Generic Resources
Select one of the following options for including generic resources in the search:
Exclude Generic Resources —
Select this option to exclude generic resources.
Those With Planned Hours in Period —
Select this option to include only generic resources with planned hours in the selected period.
Those With Planned Hours in Period on My Plans —
Select this option to include generic resources with planned hours in the selected period for plans where you are the project manager. Any other plans for which these generic resources have planned hours during the period are also listed when this option is selected.
Selected Generic Resources —
Use this drop-down list to specify one or more generic resources for the search. If you select one generic resource, the
Selected field displays that resource's name; if you select multiple generic resources, the field displays
<Records Selected>. Vision does not require the specified generic resource to have planned hours in the defined period.
This field displays if you choose the
Selected Generic Resources option in the
Generic Resources field. Use this drop-down to select one or more generic resources to include in the search.
Saved Search
Use this option to select a saved global or personal search.
Plan Level Rows to Show
Use these filters to determine which plans display in the plan level rows on the Resource Utilization grid:
Both Mapped and Unmapped — Select this option to search all plans.
Mapped Only — Select this option to search for plansthat have entries displayed in the
Top Project number field on the plan’s General tab in Project Planning. This number does not have to be linked to an existing project in the Project Info Center.
Unmapped Only — Select this option to search for plans that have no entries displayed in the
Top Project number field on the plan’s General tab in Project Planning. Any hours on an unmapped plan are treated as billable hours.
Use these options to refine the results of your search:
Included in Utilization and Reporting — Select this option to search for those plans who have the
Include in Utilization and Project Reports option selected on the General tab of Project Planning.
Plan Probability Percent is >=
— Select this option to search for plans whose probability is equal to or greater than the entered number. Plan Probability is an estimation of the probability that the plan will win a contract and become a project. Probability is defined on the General tab of Project Planning.