You can set up timesheet special categories for all employees or for specific employee groups:
The special categories you set up for all employees appear on the timesheets of all employees, regardless of their group affiliation.
The special categories you set up for specific employee groups appear only on the timesheets of employees belonging to those groups.
Note the following:
You must enter the group name in the
Employee Group field on the Timesheet Special Categories form.
Employee Group is active only when you click
. When you enter a group in this field, it automatically displays in the
Group field on the Special Categories dialog box.
To set up special categories for use by all employees, select the
[All Groups] option from the drop-down list in the
Employee Group field.
To set up special categories for use by a specific group of employees, use the drop-down list in the
Employee Group field to select an employee group.
Group drop-down list only displays employee groups for which you have not yet set up any special categories. To add categories to an established group, click
on the Timesheet Special Categories form and select the group from the Timesheet Category Lookup. Vision displays the selected group in
Employee Group.
Enter a unique code for this special category. You must enter the category name in
Category on the Timesheet Special Categories form. When you enter a name in this field, it automatically displays in
Category on the Special Categories dialog box.
Enter a description for this special category. The description you enter here appears on user timesheets.
Sort Order
Enter a sort order number for this special category. The sort order number determines the order in which special categories appear on user timesheets.
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list in this field.
The option you select determines which project fields are enabled on the Special Categories dialog box.
Single Project
If there is a single project associated with this special category, enter the project number in this field.
Enter an project number directly in this field, or use the Quick Find feature to select a project from the Project Lookup.
If the project varies by employee, do not enter a project number in this field. Select
Query in the
Project field and enter a project query.
Project Query
Enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate project for this special category. Use a project query only if the project varies by employee.
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list in this field.
The option you select in this field determines which phase fields are enabled on the Special Categories dialog box.
Single Phase
If there is a single phase associated with this special category, enter the phase number in this field. To enter a phase number in this field, you must first select
Phase in the
Phase field.
Enter a phase number directly in this field, or use the Quick Find feature to select a phase from the Phase/Task Lookup.
If the phase varies by project or employee, do not enter a phase number in this field. Select
Query in the
Phase field and enter a phase query.
Phase Query
Enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate phase for this special category. Use a phase query only if the phase varies by project or employee.
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list in this field.
The option you select determines which task fields are enabled on the Special Categories dialog box.
Single Task
If there is a single task associated with this special category, enter the task number in this field.
Enter a task number directly in this field, or use the Quick Find feature to select a task from the Phase/Task Lookup.
If the task varies by project, phase, or employee, do not enter a task number in this field. Select
Query in the
Task field and enter a task query.
Task Query
Enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate task for this special category. Use a task query only if the task varies by project, phase, or employee.
Labor Code
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list in this field.
The option you select determines which labor code fields are enabled on the Special Categories dialog box.
Single Labor Code
If there is a single labor code associated with this special category, enter the labor code in this field.
Enter a labor code directly in this field, or use the Quick Find feature to select a labor code from the Labor Code Lookup.
If the labor code varies by project, phase, task, or employee, do not enter a labor code number in this field. Select
Query in the
Labor Code field and enter a labor code query.
Labor Code Query
Enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate labor code for this special category. Use a labor code query only if the labor code varies by project, phase, task, or employee.
Labor Category
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list in this field.
The option you select determines which labor category fields are enabled on the Special Categories dialog box.
Labor Category fields display on the Special Categories dialog box only if you are using Vision Accounting, Vision Billing, or Vision Resource Planning.
Single Category
If there is a single labor category associated with this special category, use the drop-down list in this field to select the category.
If the labor category varies by project, phase, task, labor code, or employee, do not enter a labor category in this field. Select
Query in the
Labor Category field and enter a labor category query.
Labor Category fields display on the Special Categories dialog box only if you are using Vision Accounting, Vision Billing, or Vision Resource Planning.
Category Query
Enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate labor category for this special category. Use a labor category query only if the labor category varies by project, phase, task, labor code, or employee
Labor Category fields display on the Special Categories dialog box only if you are using Vision Accounting, Vision Billing, or Vision Resource Planning.
Require Employees to Enter Start and End Times
This option is visible only if
Enable start/end time feature is selected on the Setup Tab of Company Timesheet Configuration.
Select this option if want users who are required to enter start/end times on their timesheets to enter times when charging hours to this category. When the option is not selected, Vision does not require enter start/end times for this category.