Multiple Languages Overview

Vision supports multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, and Dutch. After you select a language, the entire Vision application, including the login screen, displays in the selected language.

There are several ways to select the language used with the Vision application.

  • If you use Windows Integrated Security and multiple languages, a Default Language drop-down list displays on the Startup tab of Options on the main Vision toolbar. The options that display in this list are those that are supported by Deltek and have been enabled by your System Administrator.
  • If the Default Language drop-down list is blank, Vision prompts you to select a language from the Login screen. After you select a language, the Vision login defaults to this language each time that you log in.

    If you need to change the language, click the X instead of the Log Off button to log out of Vision. The language links then display again and you can select a new language the next time that you log in.

There are several locations where a list of languages is included, either as a weblink or as a drop-down list. You can select a default language for the Weblink Utility. The System Settings tab of the Weblink Utility includes a Default Languages grid. This grid lists all of the enabled languages in all databases in Vision; this is where you can specify the default language.

Standard and Custom Field Labels and Codes

When you select a language, only the standard Vision field labels or codes translate and display in that language. If you define custom labels or codes, you must change each custom label or code to match the selected language.

For example, assume you add a custom Sales Rep field to the General tab of the Contacts Info Center. When you change the Vision database language from English to Spanish, you can then change the Sales Rep field label to Representante to reflect the selected language.

The Translation Analysis report displays all customizable labels, grouped by area (for example, System Labels and User Defined Tabs). The title, headings, and date are in the language of the user currently logged in.

You can export this report to Excel, so that it can be sent to a translation company or another person for translation purposes.

Languages and Billing

You can create invoice templates for any of the languages you have available. You can then generate invoices in that language at any time without being logged in to Vision for that language.

To create an invoice template for generating invoices in a specific language, complete the following steps:

  1. When you log in to Vision and you are asked to select the language for the session, select the language in which you want to generate invoices.
  2. Create the invoice template in the Invoice Template Editor. Vision saves the language for your current session as part of the template.
  3. Assign the invoice template to the appropriate projects through their billing terms.

You can then generate invoices in that language regardless of the active language for your current Vision session.

Languages and Workflows and Alerts

The Actions grid of Workflow Configuration includes a Languages field that allows the System Administrator to enter a custom message for the related action. This is available for Email Alerts, Dashboard Alerts, Validate Errors, and Validate Warnings.

The message for the action is available for employees who have that language selected in the Languages field on the General tab of the Employee Info Center.

For example, if the System Administrator creates an email alert for English US and English UK, then only employees that have English US or English UK selected in the Languages field on the General tab of the Employee Info Center receive that message. The System Administrator must set up a separate alert for Spanish employees if they should receive a message in Spanish.