Expenses Drop-down
Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
- To print grid data, click
Print. On the Print Preview form, click
to send the grid data to your default printer.
- To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click
Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
- To turn on grouping for a grid, click
Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.
Not all options are available on all grids.
Select a transaction and click this option to view the transaction in the Billing Expense View dialog box.
Select one or more transactions and click this option to change
Status to
Bill for those transactions.
Select one or more transactions and click this option to change
Status to
Hold for those transactions.
Select one or more transactions and click this option to change
Status to
Write-off for those transactions.
Select one or more transactions and click this option to change
Status to
Delete for those transactions.
To insert a transaction into the grid, click this option.
Select a transaction and click this option to change the date, description, amount, or tax code override information for the transaction.
Click this option to transfer expense amounts from project to project, or within the same project (from account to account, for example), without exiting Vision Billing.
Click this option to view totals for all the transactions displayed in the grid, such as total cost amount and billing extension.
Invoice Status
This field displays the approval status for the transaction:
Submitted — The transaction was linked to the invoice at the time it was submitted for approval.
New — Based on the billing session options for the invoice, the transaction is eligible to be included on the invoice, but the transaction was not linked to the invoice at the time it was submitted for approval. For example, a transaction that was transferred to the project after the invoice was submitted would have
New in
Invoice Status. A transaction with
New in
Invoice Status will not be included on the invoice. If you want to include all transactions with
New in
Invoice Status, click
Include New Transactions on the Interactive Approvals toolbar.
If you make a change to a transaction that requires recalculation of the invoice,
New displays in this field until the recalculation occurs. After the recalculation, this status matches the approval status of the invoice as a whole.
Select whether the transaction is billable in this billing session. If you change
Status for a submitted transaction, Vision will automatically recalculate the invoice when you approve or reject the invoice, preview the invoice, select another project, or close Interactive Approvals.
The options in
Status are the following:
Bill — Include in this billing session.
Hold — Save the transaction for billing at a later date.
Write-off — Mark amounts that have been charged but cannot be billed. Selecting this option prevents the transaction from being billed, but allows the amount to appear on reports. When you write-off a transaction, no accounting entries are made.
Delete — Remove from the set of billable transactions. Changing the status to
Delete does not actually delete the transaction. The status of
Delete allows you to run reports that distinguish between write-off (amounts charged that cannot be billed) and a transaction that was entered but removed before invoicing, possibly due to a data entry error.
The options that are available from this field depend on your role's access rights as set in the Billing Security area of the Accounting tab of Role Security. For example, if you belong to a role with
Allow Delete selected, the
Delete option is available from this field.
This field indicates whether a transaction is billable. A transaction is generally not billable if you post it to a direct expense account (by default, 600-level account).
You can only view non-billable transactions if the
Show Non-billables on Detail Tabs option is selected on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
Vision displays the date associated with the expense charge as entered in transaction entry, or on a billing expense insert.
If you select to view the project level from the Phase/Task lookup for a project with phases, all of that project's phases display in the grid. The phase number displays in the
Phase column, and all detail that corresponds to that phase displays in that row.
You can also choose to select a particular phase from the Phase/Task lookup to view just the detail for that phase and any associated tasks in the grid.
If you click
Summary on the grid toolbar Vision displays a summary of all of the detail shown on the Expenses tab, including all phases and tasks in the grid.
If you select the project or phase level from the Phase/Task lookup for a project with tasks, all of the tasks for that project or phase display in the grid. The task number displays in the
Task column, and all detail that corresponds to that task displays in that row.
You can also choose to select a particular task from the Phase/Task lookup to view just the detail for that task.
If you click
Summary on the grid toolbar, Vision displays a summary of all of the detail shown on the Expenses tab, including all phases and tasks in the grid.
This field indicates the expense account to which this expense was charged. This account is the account to which the charge was posted during transaction entry, or the account you specify or on a Billing Expense insert.
This field can only contain an expense account. This account is by default a 500-level account in the Standard Chart of Accounts.
If the account is incorrect, you can perform a billing transfer to charge the transaction to the appropriate account.
Vision displays the transaction type (for example,
Ex (Employee Expense),
MI (Miscellaneous Expense)).
Ref. No.
Vision displays the reference number (often the invoice number) for this transaction as entered through transaction entry or on a Billing Expense insert.
Leading zeros always display in the invoice number in this grid if your firm uses leading zeros.
If you entered a description for this expense charge in transaction entry or on a billing expense insert, it appears here.
Vision displays the cost amount for this expense charge.
Vision displays the billing extension amount for this expense charge based on the applicable billing terms.