Prove Out Revenue Method W

You can prove out Revenue Method W for a set of projects.

Revenue Method W = JTD Billings + WIP @ Billing

To prove out revenue method W, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the projects to use for this proving out procedure.

    Be sure that each project has:

    • The revenue method W.
    • All of its data entered up to now, and all of the transactions related to it are posted.
  2. Run Revenue Generation with these projects selected.
  3. Post the Revenue Generation file.
  4. Generate the Office Earnings report for the projects. Make a note of the job-to-date billed amount for each project.

    To get more detailed data, alternatively run the AR Ledger Report. Make a note of the total billed amount for each project. This amount is not the same as the job-to-date billed amount on the Office Earnings Report if you selected the Enable option to update BTD for journal entries to revenue option and any journal entry transactions were posted to the project.

  5. Generate the Unbilled Detail report at billing rates for the projects. On the report, mark the Work in Progress (WIP) amount for each project.
    The Work in Progress (WIP) at Billing part of the revenue calculation:
    • Does not use data for billable items with a status of Held. To match this part of the revenue calculation to the amount on the Unbilled Detail report, you must specify to generate the report without Held items.
    • Uses multipliers that are specified in Billing Terms for add-ons. The Unbilled Detail report data does not show data for add-ons.

    Each project's revenue should be the same as the sum of the amounts from Step 3 and Step 4.