Expense Report Line Item Approval Form

The Expense Line Item Approval form enables principals, project managers, and/or supervisors to review, then approve or reject, individual labor charges for their projects. Expense Report line item approval only applies to expense report entries made using the Time and Expense application.

Your system administrator determines which projects require line item approval, and who can approve line item expense charges.

A project displays on the Expense Line Item Approval form only under the following conditions:

  • Line item approval is required for expense charges to the project.

  • Expenses have been charged to the project.

If a project uses phases and tasks, the grid displays each level of the project structure to which an expense has been charged. These items are broken down by employee, date, category, amount, description, billable status, and account.

Sort Information

You can sort information in the Project List by project number or name; phase number or name; or task number or name.

You can sort information in the Approval Grid by status, employee number or name, date, category, amount, description, billable status, or account.

To sort information, click the appropriate column heading in the Project List or Approval grid. For example, to sort the Project List by project name, click the Project Name column heading in the Project List.

You can sort information in ascending or descending order. Click a column heading once to establish a sort order. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.