Timesheet Special Categories

You can set up special labor charge categories for Timesheet users. When you set up a special category, you define the project, phase, task, labor code, and labor category to be credited when a user charges time to the special category.

You can set up special categories for labor charges that are standard for all users, such as vacation, holiday, and sick time. Or you can set up special categories for labor charges that are specific to a particular employee group. For example, you can create a Timesheet Processing category for the employees in your Administration group who process timesheets on a regular basis.

Each special category that you set up automatically displays on designated users' timesheets. This allows those users to charge time to the special category without having to enter project, phase, task, labor code, or labor category data.

Before you set up special categories by group you must first add the employee groups on the Employee Group tab of Timesheet Configuration.

If your firm uses the Multicompany feature, you must configure special categories for each company in your enterprise. For timesheet-related queries, it is important to note that an employee may be associated with multiple companies. For this reason, queries that reference a company-specific field (such as Organization) should use the EMAllCompany view to search all the companies associated with the employee, and then use the :activecompany variable to look at the company-specific record for the timesheet's active company.