Current Hours
This column displays the labor hours spent in the current period.
Current Amount
This column displays the labor or expense amount spent in the current period.
JTD Hours
This column displays the job-to-date labor hours spent.
JTD Amount
This column displays the job-to-date labor, overhead, or expense amount spent
Budgeted Hours
This column displays the budgeted hours.
If you use Vision Planning, your selection in
Budget Source on the Budget & Expense tab determines whether budget information comes from the project budget worksheet, the associated plan's budget, or the associated plan's baseline.
Budgeted Amount
This column displays the budgeted amount.
If you use Vision Planning, your selection in
Budget Source on the Budget & Expense tab determines whether budget information comes from the project budget worksheet, the associated plan's budget, or the associated plan's baseline.
Percent Budget Expended
This column displays the percentage of the budget spent to date. Vision calculates
Percent Budget Expended as follows:
JTD Amount /
Budgeted Amount
Percent Complete Reported
This column displays the overall percent complete. The percentage is based on cost or billing amounts, depending on your selection in
Report At. Vision calculates this percentage based on your selection of budget source on the Budget & Expense tab of the Options dialog box and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans.
If you select
Project Planning Budget in
Budget Source on the Budget & Expense tab of the Options dialog box and the report includes a project that is mapped to more than one plan, Vision selects one of those plans and applies the percent complete formula for that plan to all of the plans for the project to calculate group values for this column.
Balance Hours
This column displays the budgeted labor hours that have not been spent. Vision calculates
Balance Hours as follows:
Budgeted Hours –
JTD Hours
Balance Amount
This column displays the budgeted amount that has not been spent. This amount includes both labor and expenses. Vision calculates
Balance Amount as follows:
Budgeted Amount –
JTD Amount
YTD Hours
This column displays the year-to-date labor hours spent.
YTD Amount
This column displays the year-to-date labor amount spent.
ETC Hours
This column displays the estimate to complete hours. The estimate to complete hours are the estimated additional labor hours required to complete the work.
EAC Hours
This column displays the estimate at completion hours. The estimate at completion hours are the estimated total number of hours that will have been worked at the completion of the project.
Charge Type
This column displays one of the following charge types for the project:
R — Regular: Regular projects are revenue-producing. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense. Vision retains the detail for a regular project for the life of the project.
H — Overhead: Overhead projects are not revenue-producing. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. Vision distributes the total cost of these projects to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects can include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, and Civic Duty. Vision resets job-to-date costs to zero for overhead projects when you initialize for a new fiscal year.
P — Promotional: Promotional projects track the cost to acquire a job. If you obtain the contract, you can create a new regular project and transfer the detail to it to be billed or tracked. A promotional project is similar to an overhead project. However, Vision does not zero out job-to-date costs at the start of each fiscal year for promotional projects.
Project Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Billing Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Functional Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
Revenue Type
This column displays the revenue type.
The revenue type is a code to identify how Vision calculates revenue for the task, phase, or project. Vision provides six standard revenue types:
B — Job-to-date billing
M — (Job-to-date direct labor * Multiplier) + Job-to-date reimbursable expenses @ cost rates
N — No revenue generation
P — Percent complete + Job-to-date reimbursable expenses @ cost rates
R — Job-to-date receipts
W — Job-to-date billing + Work-in-progress @ billing rates
Rev. Multiplier/Amount
This column displays the multiplier, percentage, or amount for the revenue method.
The report only displays a value in this column for the lowest work breakdown structure levels.
Rev. Multiplier/Amount (Sum)
This column displays the multiplier, percentage, or amount for the revenue method.
The difference between this column and the
Rev. Multiplier/Amount column is that Vision treats this column as an amount column and displays group totals for it. This can be useful if you use calculated fields and want the revenue multiplier to be treated as an amount rather than as a multiplier.
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive.
These amounts come from the Project Info Center. If
At all levels of the WBS is selected under
Project Fee Entering Method on the Accounting System Settings form (), these amounts are only displayed for the work breakdown structure level at which they were entered. If you use grouping options that are not part of the work breakdown structure, this column will be blank for those groups.
Fee Direct Labor
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor.
These amounts come from the Project Info Center. If
At all levels of the WBS is selected under
Project Fee Entering Method on the Accounting System Settings form (), these amounts are only displayed for the work breakdown structure level at which they were entered. If you use grouping options that are not part of the work breakdown structure, this column will be blank for those groups.
Fee Direct Expense
This column displays the total monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses.
These amounts come from the Project Info Center. If
At all levels of the WBS is selected under
Project Fee Entering Method on the Accounting System Settings form (), these amounts are only displayed for the work breakdown structure level at which they were entered. If you use grouping options that are not part of the work breakdown structure, this column will be blank for those groups.
Fee Direct Consultant
This column displays the expected amount of direct consultant fees. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
These amounts come from the Project Info Center. If
At all levels of the WBS is selected under
Project Fee Entering Method on the Accounting System Settings form (), these amounts are only displayed for the work breakdown structure level at which they were entered. If you use grouping options that are not part of the work breakdown structure, this column will be blank for those groups.
Reimbursable Allowance
This column displays the expected amount of billed reimbursable expenses.
These amounts come from the Project Info Center. If
At all levels of the WBS is selected under
Project Fee Entering Method on the Accounting System Settings form (), these amounts are only displayed for the work breakdown structure level at which they were entered. If you use grouping options that are not part of the work breakdown structure, this column will be blank for those groups.
Fee Reimbursable Expense
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses.
These amounts come from the Project Info Center. If
At all levels of the WBS is selected under
Project Fee Entering Method on the Accounting System Settings form (), these amounts are only displayed for the work breakdown structure level at which they were entered. If you use grouping options that are not part of the work breakdown structure, this column will be blank for those groups.
Fee Reimbursable Consultant
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
These amounts come from the Project Info Center. If
At all levels of the WBS is selected under
Project Fee Entering Method on the Accounting System Settings form (), these amounts are only displayed for the work breakdown structure level at which they were entered. If you use grouping options that are not part of the work breakdown structure, this column will be blank for those groups.
Total Compensation
This column displays the total compensation for the task, phase, or project. Vision calculates
Total Compensation as follows:
Compensation +
Fee Direct Consultant +
Reimbursable Allowance
This column displays the unearned monetary amount for work that is under contract. Vision calculates
Backlog as follows:
Total Compensation – Job-to-date revenue
Backlog is used as an indicator of a firm's business volume, which is usually expressed as the number of months of backlog.
ETC Amount
This column displays the estimate to complete amount. The estimate to complete amount is the estimated additional monetary amount that is required to complete the work. This amount includes both labor and expenses.
EAC Amount
This column displays the estimate at completion amount. This amount is the estimated total monetary amount that will have been spent at the completion of the project. It includes both labor and expenses.
Budgeted Rate
This column displays the rate that Vision applies to budgeted labor hours (Budgeted Hours) to calculate the budgeted amount for labor.
Balance Hours at Budgeted Rate
This column displays the labor hours remaining to complete the work if they are expended at the budgeted rate. Vision calculates the balance hours as follows:
Balance Amount /
Budgeted Rate
Effective Rate
This column displays the current effective hourly rate. Vision calculates the rate as follows:
Job-to-date labor amount at cost rates or at billing rates / Job-to-date labor hours
Balance Hours at Eff. Rate
This column displays the labor hours remaining to complete the work if they are expended at the current effective rate. Vision calculates the balance hours as follows:
Balance Amount /
Effective Rate
Percent Budget Expended Hours
This column displays the percentage of the budget expended to date based on hours. Vision calculates the percentage as follows:
JTD Hours /
Budgeted Hours
Percent Complete Hours
This column displays the overall percent complete for labor. The percentage is based on cost or billing hours, depending on your selection in
Report At. Vision calculates this percentage based on your selection of budget source on the Budget & Expense tab of the Options dialog box and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans. Overhead is not included in these calculations.
% Labor Comp. Rpt
This column displays the percent complete for labor. The percentage is based on cost or billing amounts, depending on your selection in
Report At. Vision calculates this percentage based on your selection of budget source on the Budget & Expense tab of the Options dialog box and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans.
% Expense Comp. Rpt
This column displays the percent complete for expenses. The percentage is based on cost or billing amounts, depending on your selection in
Report At. Vision calculates this percentage based on your selection of budget source on the Budget & Expense tab of the Options dialog box and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans.
Percent ETC Expended
This column displays the percentage of the estimate to complete amount that has been spent as of the current date. Vision calculates this percentage as follows:
(Total labor, overhead, and expenses spent) / (Total labor, overhead, and expenses spent) +
ETC Amount
This column displays the project number.
This column displays the phase number.
This column displays the task number.
Committed Purchase Order Expense
This column displays the amount of expenses committed to approved purchase orders. By including committed expenses on this report, you can see major upcoming costs that will affect a projects bottom line.
You must also select
Include Committed Purchase Order Expense on the Budget & Expense tab, or this column will not display any amounts. If you also select
Current in
Activity Period on the Activity tab, Vision includes committed PO expenses whether or not the expense activity occurred in the current accounting period.
Current, YTD, and JTD Revenue columns
The following columns display the amount of revenue for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Revenue
YTD Revenue
JTD Revenue
Current, YTD, and JTD Profit columns
The following columns display the amount of profit for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Profit
YTD Profit
JTD Profit
Vision calculates profit as follows:
Revenue – Amount spent
Current, YTD, and JTD Profit Percent columns
The following columns display the profit percentage for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Profit Percent
YTD Profit Percent
JTD Profit Percent
Vision calculates the profit percentage as follows:
Profit / Revenue
Current, YTD, and JTD Net Revenue columns
The following columns display the net revenue for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Net Revenue
YTD Net Revenue
JTD Net Revenue
Vision calculates the net revenue as follows:
Revenue – (Direct expenses + Reimbursable expenses)
Current, YTD, and JTD Gross Margin columns
The following columns display the gross margin for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Gross Margin
YTD Gross Margin
JTD Gross Margin
Vision calculates the gross margin as follows:
Revenue – (Labor + Direct expenses + Reimbursable expenses)
Firms that do not allocate overhead show project results on a gross margin basis.
Current, YTD, and JTD Billed columns
The following columns display the amount billed for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Billed
YTD Billed
JTD Billed
Vision calculates the amount billed as follows:
Labor billed + Fee billed + Consultants billed + Expenses billed + Units billed + Interest billed
Current, YTD, and JTD Unbilled columns
The following columns display the amount of revenue that has not yet been billed for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Unbilled
YTD Unbilled
JTD Unbilled
Vision calculates the amount billed as follows:
Revenue – Amount billed
Current, YTD, and JTD Received columns
The following columns display the amount received for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Received
YTD Received
JTD Received
Current, YTD, and JTD AR Amount columns
The following columns display the amount billed but not yet received for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current AR Amount
YTD AR Amount
JTD AR Amount
Current, YTD, and JTD Effective Multiplier columns
The following columns display the effective multiplier for the current accounting period, for the year to date, and for the job to date:
Current Effective Multiplier
YTD Effective Multiplier
JTD Effective Multiplier
The effective multiplier is the amount of net revenue earned for each labor dollar expended.
Vision calculates the effective multiplier as follows:
(Current revenue – (Current direct expenses + Current reimbursable expenses)) / Current direct labor
Current, YTD, and JTD Unbilled Gain/Loss
The following columns display the gain/loss entries to unbilled services due to rate fluctuations:
Current Unbilled Gain/Loss
YTD Unbilled Gain/Loss
JTD Unbilled Gain/Loss
Current, YTD, and JTD Adjusted Unbilled
This following columns display the Adjusted Unbilled amount that includes the Unbilled Gain/Loss entries:
Current Adjusted Unbilled
YTD Adjusted Unbilled
JTD Adjusted Unbilled
The calculation for these columns is Revenue – Billed + Unbilled Gain/Loss = Adjusted Unbilled. When these columns are displayed in functional currency, they will match the Unbilled Services account in the general ledger, and will also match the Unbilled Services line in the File Reconciliation Report.
Contract Compensation
This column displays the compensation amount related to the contract.
Contract Direct Labor
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor related to the contract.
Contract Direct Expense
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses related to the contract.
Contract Direct Consultant
This column displays the expected amount of direct consultant fees related to the contract. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Contract Reimbursable Allowance
This column displays the reimbursable allowance amount related to the contract.
Contract Reimbursable Expense
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses related to the contract.
Contract Reimbursable Consultant
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Contract Total Compensation
This column displays the sum of
Contract Compensation,
Contract Direct Consultant, and
Contract Reimbursable Allowance amounts.
Contract Backlog
This column displays the total of
Contract Total Compensation –
JTD Revenue.