This column displays the invoice number.
If you drill down on the invoice number, Vision displays a drill-down report that shows all relevant accounts receivable entries against the invoice, including receipts, fees, reimbursable expenses, taxes, and interest.
This column displays the project number to which the invoice amounts are charged.
This column displays the phase number to which the invoice amounts are charged.
This column displays the task number to which the invoice amounts are charged.
Invoice Date
This column displays the invoice date.
User-defined columns
On the Accounts Receivable Configuration form, you can define a set of columns for this report. For example, you could set up columns for fees billed, reimbursable expenses billed, taxes billed, interest, and retainers.
You specify the headings for these columns on the Ledger Headings tab of the Accounts Receivable Configuration form. You map the columns to invoice accounts and accounts receivable accounts on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab and the AR Mapping Accounts tab.
You can select any or all of these columns from the list on the Columns tab of the Options dialog box for this report.
This column displays the sum of the following:
- Amounts for the invoice or receipt that were posted an account other than those mapped to the user-defined columns described above.
- Amounts for the invoice or receipt that were posted to an account that is mapped to a user-defined column that is not currently included on the report.
This column displays the total amount of the invoice and the total amount of each receipt for that invoice.
The total is then distributed to the user-defined columns and to the
Other column. The total of the amounts in user-defined columns and
Other should equal the amount in the
Total column.
This column displays the amount of retainage for the invoice.
This column is available only if
Enable Retainage is selected on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form ().
Row Count
This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
This column displays the net amount of the invoice.
Project Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Billing Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Functional Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
Due To/From Project, Phase, Task
If your firm uses Intercompany Billing with detailed subledgers enabled, the following columns are also available:
Due To/From Project
Due To/From Phase
Due To/From Task
These columns display the associated project, phase, and task in the company for which you performed the work and that you billed using Intercompany Billing.