Consultant Ledger Columns

The Consultant Ledger report contains a standard set of columns. You do not have the option to select columns for this report.


Column Description

Invoice: Date

This column displays the invoice date for this voucher.

Invoice: Number

This column displays the billed invoice number of the transaction.

Voucher: Date

This column displays the date of the voucher.

Voucher: Number

This column displays the voucher number.

Sched. Payment

This column displays the payment date for the voucher. Vision displays a date, Next, PWP, or Hold, based on the payment terms for the vendor.

Liab Code

This column displays the accounts payable liability code to which this voucher was posted.

The liability code provides a way to identify the account that receives the implicit posting when the voucher is posted. The liability code defines the credit posting in the general ledger.

If your firm uses organizations in Vision and you maintain separate balance sheets by organization, the liability code is also linked to an organization code.


This column displays the bank code for the bank involved in the transaction.

Client: Invoice

This column displays the number of the invoice on which you billed the client for an item on the voucher.

Client: Period

This column displays the accounting period in which you billed the client for an item on the voucher.


The status of each pay when paid (PWP) voucher:

  • NF — Not found. You posted the voucher, but the voucher is not yet associated with a final invoice for the project, or is not associated with a final invoice at the appropriate level. This status only appears for vouchers marked as PWP.

  • NP — Not paid. You have accepted the final invoice and posted the resulting invoice file that contains the PWP voucher, but you have not been paid for the invoice by your client.

  • PD — Paid. You posted the cash receipt from the client for the invoice on which you billed the voucher. The voucher is available for payment processing.

Voucher Amount

This column displays the original total amount of the voucher.

Previous Payments

This column displays the total payments already made on the voucher.

Discounts Taken

This column displays the amount of discounts already taken for the voucher.

Outstanding Amount Due

This column displays the amount scheduled to be paid for the voucher or vendor during the next payment processing run.