Apply Analysis Cubes Configuration Settings to the Data Cubes

After you modify any of the Analysis Cubes configuration settings, a system administrator must use the Vision Resource Kit to update the Vision data cubes with these changes.

You modify the configuration settings in Vision Configuration > General > Analysis Cubes or in Configuration > General > User-Defined Components

To update the Vision data cubes with Analysis Cubes configuration settings, complete the following steps:

  1. From your Vision database server, select Windows Start > All Programs > Deltek Vision Resource Kit to open the Resource Kit.
  2. Click the Database tab.
  3. Navigate to the Analysis Services tab on the Database tab.
  4. On the Analysis Services tab, click the Step 4: Apply Cubes Configuration button.

    The Step 4: Apply Cubes Configuration button is enabled only when a password is entered for the Performance Management module in Vision Configuration > Module Activation.

    On the Vision Business Intelligence dialog box, you see the settings that are applied to the data cubes.

  5. When it finishes, click Close.
  6. On the Analysis Services tab, click the Step 5: Populate DW and Vision Cubes button or run the SQL Agent refresh job in SQL Server Management Studio to refresh your data warehouse and cubes.
  7. When it finishes, click Close.