Reclassify Transaction Detail Within a Project

You can reclassify labor, expense, or unit transaction detail.

To reclassify transaction detail in a project, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. On the Interactive Billing form, open the project.  
  3. Click the Labor tab or Expenses tab. Vision displays all outstanding transactions posted to this project, phase, or task.
  4. Select a single transaction to reclassify and click Transfer. Vision displays the Billing Labor Transfer dialog box or Billing Expense Transfer dialog box.
  5. Select the Within current (project, phase, or task) option.
  6. To reclassify the data, modify the fields on the dialog box and click OK. Vision removes or reduces the transaction amount from the source project area and places it in the destination area, transfers the data and updates the Labor, Expenses, or Units tab with your modifications.