Allow user to automatically retrieve records in lookups
If you select this check box,
Vision controls whether records are automatically retrieved when lookups are initially opened. If the option is not selected,
Vision does not retrieve records automatically in lookups.
You can determine whether
Vision retrieves records automatically when you open a lookup. To do this, click
Options on the
Vision title bar, select the General tab, and select the
Automatically retrieve records when opening lookups option.
If your company has a large database, you may not want to select this option because retrieving records may take some time.
Search on Active employees only when using employee quick lookup
Select this check box to display only active employees when using the search function of the Employee quick lookup.
If you use Multicompany feature and select this option, the lookup will also include the company code for each active employee record. This is useful when an employee is associated with multiple companies and you only want to search on the active records.
Search on
client name and contact name in contacts info center quick lookup (only search on contact name when unchecked)
Select this option to search for a contact using the
client name and to include
client names in the search results when searching via the Contact Info Center lookup.
Use lookup limits
Select this check box to control the number of records displayed at one time in the results grid in a lookup dialog box. This setting affects all lookups. If your company has a large database, you may want to limit the number of records displayed because retrieval may take some time.
When you select this check box and enter number in the
Maximum number of records field below the check box, the following items display on a lookup dialog box after you click the
Search button:
- Show Results (x-xx) displays above the results grid on the right side of the lookup dialog box. It helps you know your place in the list of records since you cannot see or scroll through them all at one time. Use the right or left arrow beside this text to scroll through and view the next or previous set of retrieved records in the lookup grid.
- Get Total Rows text displays in the lower right corner of the lookup dialog box. Click the text to display the total record count for the search results. The
Get Total Rows text is replaced with
Total Rows text when you click it.
Maximum number of records
If you selected the
Use lookup limits check box, enter the maximum number of records to display at one time in the results grid in a lookup dialog box. For example, if you enter a maximum of 12 and a lookup returns 75 records, only 12 records will display in the grid at one time.
Use Dashboard lookup limits
Select this check box to limit the number of records that display at one time in the grid for dashparts. In the field below this check box, enter the maximum number of records to display at one time. These settings affect all dashparts. However, they apply only when Saved Searches are used in dashparts.
Maximum number of Dashboard records
If you selected the
Use Dashboard lookup limits check box, enter the maximum number of records to display at one time in your dashparts. For example, if you enter a limit of 5 and you have 10 records in a dashpart, only 5 will display at a time. When you set this limit, you click on the dashpart's
<<Previous X Records or
Next X Records >> hyperlink below the grid to view the next or previous group of records (X is the maximum number of records you can view at a time).
List View Settings section: Maximum fields selected
Enter the maximum number of fields that you want to be able to see in the List View in Info Centers. In an Info Center, you select any of the fields that you want included in the List View up to this number.