Transaction Type
This column displays a two-letter abbreviation for the type of transaction, such as CD for cash disbursements.
Reference Number
This column displays the reference number, voucher number, or journal entry number for the transaction.
Transaction Date
This column displays the date on which the transaction was posted.
Exception: If the detail is from the History Loading utility, this column displays the accounting period.
Transaction Amount
This column displays the amount of the transaction.
This column displays the description of the transaction.
Fiscal Period
This column displays the accounting period in which the transaction was posted.
Posting Sequence
This column displays the posting sequence number for the transaction. Vision assigns the sequence numbers during the posting process. Vision assigns 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period, 2 to the second group, and so on.
To see a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, click
from the Vision Navigation menu.
Billing Status
This column displays the billing status of the transaction. The following are the possible statuses:
B — Billable: The transaction is released and available for billing to the client.
D — To be deleted: The transaction is marked for deletion.
F — Final billed: The transaction has been billed to the client.
H — Held: The transaction is being held temporarily to prevent billing to the client.
M — Modified: The transaction has been modified in some way from its original form.
N — Not billable: The transaction is not billable.
O — Deleted: The transaction was marked for deletion, included in a billing run, and deleted.
R — Partial Hold/Released: Part of the transaction has been held or released.
T — Transferred: The transaction was moved from one project, phase, or task to another.
W — To be written off: The transaction has been written off, but the invoice has not been posted.
X — Written off: The transaction has been written off, and the invoice has been posted.
Line Number
This column displays the voucher line number if the transaction type is one of the following:
AP — Accounts Payable voucher
CV — Accounts Payable disbursement
EX — Employee expense
Invoice Number
This column displays the billed invoice number of the transaction.
Transaction Organization
This column displays the organization assigned to the project at the time of the transaction.
Project Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Billing Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Functional Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
This column displays the voucher number for the transaction.
Vendor or Unit Number
This column displays the vendor number if the transaction type is one of the following:
AP — Accounts Payable voucher
CV — Accounts Payable disbursement
This column displays the unit number for transactions involving units.
Vendor Name
This column displays the name of the vendor associated with the transaction.
Vendor Organization
This column displays the organization within your company for which this vendor provides goods or services.
Unit Quantity
This column displays the number of units for the transaction (for example, 5 pipes).
Cost Rate per Unit
This column displays the cost amount per unit.
If your firm uses date-based rates, Vision uses the cost rate in effect at the time the transaction was posted.
Bill Rate per Unit
This column displays the amount to bill the client for each unit.
If your firm uses date-based rates, Vision uses the billing rate in effect at the time the transaction was posted.
Transfer Project
For a labor adjustment, this column displays the project from which the labor adjustment transaction was transferred.
Transfer Phase
For a labor adjustment, this column displays the phase from which the labor adjustment transaction was transferred.
Transfer Task
For a labor adjustment, this column displays the task from which the labor adjustment transaction was transferred.
This column displays the project number for the transaction.
This column displays the phase number for the transaction.
This column displays the task number for the transaction.
Supporting Document
This column displays the document icon to indicate that the transaction has one or more supporting documents.