Load Settings
To regenerate the visualization map based on a set of saved options, click this button and select the set of options on the Load Settings dialog box.
This option is only available if both of the following are true:
- The visualization map is a favorite.
Show slider and load setting controls was selected on the General tab in the Options dialog box when you generated the visualization map.
Save Settings
To save a version of a visualization map as a set of saved options, click this button to display the Save Settings dialog box. On that dialog box, name the set of options and indicate if you want it to be available to all users with access to the visualization map.
This option is only available if both of the following are true:
- The visualization map is a favorite.
Show slider and load setting controls was selected on the General tab in the Options dialog box when you generated the visualization map.
Select the metric that you want Vision to represent with the colors of the blocks on the visualization map.
The list includes all metrics for which you selected
Color By on the Metrics tab of the Options dialog box. You can also select
None if you do not want Vision to assign colors to blocks.
For example, if you select the
Color By option for the
Estimated Revenue and
Days Open metrics on the Metrics tab for Opportunity Visualization, then the choices for this option are the following:
None — All blocks display as gray so you can focus on block size.
Estimated Revenue — The opportunity's estimated revenue amount determines block color and color intensity.
Days Open — The number of days the opportunity has been open determines block color and color intensity.
Select None If...
To simplify a visualization map so that you can focus on the size of the blocks, select
None in
Color Adjustments
To adjust colors for a metric, change the settings for
Low Color,
High Color, and
Color Shading for the metric on the Metrics tab of the Options dialog box. You can also use the three color markers along the top of the color slider to change the low color, center color, high color, and color shading for the map.
Select the metric that you want Vision to represent with the size of the blocks on the visualization map.
The list includes all metrics for which you selected
Size By on the Metrics tab of the Options dialog box. You can also select
None if you want all blocks to be the same size.
For example, if you selected the
Size By option for the
Estimated Revenue and
Total Compensation metrics on the Metrics tab for Opportunity Visualization, the choices for this option would be the following:
None — All blocks are the same size so you can focus on block color.
Estimated Revenue — The opportunity's estimated revenue amount determines the block size. Larger amounts result in larger blocks.
Total Compensation — The opportunity's total compensation amount determines the block size. Larger amounts result in larger blocks.
Select None If...
The following are examples of when you might select
None in
- Negative and zero values are not sized. If you have a project, opportunity, or plan for which the value of a metric you want to analyze is zero or negative, we strongly recommend that you set this option to
None and instead use color to represent value differences for that metric.
- To simplify a visualization map so that you can focus on the color of the blocks, select
None in
- If you cannot locate a block you want to analyze, it may be because the block is too small. You may be able to locate it if you select
None in
Size to make all blocks the same size.
Select an option for summarizing the metric values on the visualization map.
The list includes all grouping options you selected on the Grouping tab of the Options dialog box.
If the grouping includes an inner group, the map displays blocks for the inner group within the block for the primary group. For a Project Visualization map, for example, you might select
Project Manager Number as the primary group and
Project Number as the inner group. If the metric in
Size is
Revenue - JTD, the map displays a block for each project manager that is sized based on the job-to-date revenue of that person's projects. Within that block is a block for each project that is sized based on that project's job-to-date revenue.
Grouping categories
When you select a grouping category in
Grouping, Vision displays a field for that grouping category to the right of
Grouping. If the grouping option includes an inner group, Vision displays a separate field for both the primary grouping category and the inner grouping category.
Use these fields to modify the grouping for the map without having to return to the Options dialog box. You can do the following:
Filter the map to include only selected elements from the group — Click
in the label of the field for the grouping category to display a drop-down list of all elements included in the original map. Select the check boxes for the elements you want in the map, and click
Add an inner group — Right-click in the field, click
Add Category, and click the group you want to add. Vision adds that group as an inner group and displays a new version of the map.
Move a grouping category to another location in the grouping hierarchy — Left-click the category field, hold the mouse button down, and drag the category field to the new location.
Remove a group — Right-click in the field for the group, and click
Remove Category. Vision removes the field for the group and displays a new version of the map.
Zoom in on a group — If the current map is based on an outer group and an inner group, click the black triangle at the right end of the field for the outer group to display a drop-down list of all elements in that category. Click the element you want to zoom in on. Vision displays a new version of the map that only includes the block for the selected group element and the blocks for the inner group elements it contains.
These changes are temporary unless you click
Save Settings and save them. They do not affect the original options you specified in the Options dialog box for the visualization map.
Size slider
Use the size slider (the first slider below the visualization map) to do the following:
- Filter out blocks with low or high metric values.
- Review the distribution of block metric values on the scale of values
This slider is only available if
Show slider and load setting controls was selected on the General tab in the Options dialog box when you generated the visualization map.
Color slider
Use the color slider (the second slider below the visualization map) to do the following:
- Filter out blocks with low or high metric values.
- Review the distribution of block metric values on the scale of values.
- Change the high, low, and center colors.
- Adjust the color gradient range.
This slider is only available if
Show slider and load setting controls was selected on the General tab in the Options dialog box when you generated the visualization map.
Run <drill-down report> (on shortcut menu)
To drill down to supporting detail for a block, right-click the block and select the option for the drill-down report. Vision displays the drill-down report in a separate window.
The menu contains an option for each drill-down report you set up for the visualization map on the Drill Down Reports tab of the Options dialog box. For example, if you set up a drill-down report named
Project Earnings, the menu contains a
Run Project Earnings option.
Grouping (on shortcut menu)
Right-click anywhere in the map and click
Grouping on the shortcut menu to select an option for summarizing the metric values on the visualization map.
This action has the same result as when you select an option in the
Grouping field at the top of the Visualization window.
Color (on shortcut menu)
Right-click anywhere in the map and click
Color on the shortcut menu to select the metric that you want Vision to represent with the colors of the blocks on the visualization map.
This action has the same result as when you select an option in the
Color field at the top of the Visualization window.
Size (on shortcut menu)
Right-click anywhere in the map and click
Size on the shortcut menu to select the metric that you want Vision to represent with the size of the blocks on the visualization map.
This action has the same result as when you select an option in the
Size field at the top of the Visualization window.
Order (on shortcut menu)
Right-click anywhere in the map and click
Order on the shortcut menu to indicate the sequence in which you want Vision to display the blocks. You have the following options:
None — Vision displays the blocks with the largest in the upper-left corner and the smallest in the lower-right corner.
Title — Vision displays the blocks in alphabetical or numeric sequence, based on the current grouping.
Color — Vision displays the blocks in order from low color to high color.
Size — Vision displays the blocks in order from largest to smallest.
Collapse/Expand (on shortcut menu)
When you have two or more levels of grouping in effect on the visualization map and you want to hide the inner blocks for a group, right-click the border of the block for that group. On the shortcut menu, click
Collapse to consolidate the inner blocks. Vision displays a plus sign (+) in the upper-right corner of a collapsed group block to distinguish it from blocks that are not collapsed.
To expand a collapsed group and display the inner blocks, right-click anywhere in the block to display the shortcut menu, and click
Magnify/Demagnify/ Demagnify to Full View (on shortcut menu)
Use the following options to enlarge a specific block (when the block is too small to read easily, for example):
Zoom In/Zoom Out/ Zoom Out Full (on shortcut menu)
When you have two or more levels of grouping in effect on the visualization map, right-click in the block for the outermost grouping to display the shortcut menu, and click
Zoom In to zoom in on the inner blocks for that group. You can click
Zoom In multiple times if there are multiple levels of grouping.
To zoom out, right-click in the block for the outermost grouping to display the shortcut menu and click
Zoom Out
If you zoom in multiple times, right-click anywhere in the map and click
Zoom Out Full to display the visualization map as it originally appeared.
You can also zoom in on blocks that do not have inner groups. In that case, the
Zoom In option has an effect that is similar to the
Magnify option.
Style (on shortcut menu)
Select one of the following map styles:
Window — Vision displays category labels and metric values in the blocks. If you have two or more levels of grouping, the blocks for an inner group are contained within the outer group border, and the category label for the outer group is displayed in a header.
Classic — Vision only displays category labels in the blocks. To view metric values, you must position the mouse pointer on the block. If you have two or more levels of grouping, the blocks for an inner group are contained within the outer group border. The category label for the outer group is displayed in the upper-left block in the group, not in a header bar.
Cluster — Vision only displays category labels in the blocks, and they are centered vertically. To view metric values, you must position the mouse pointer on the block. If you have two or more levels of grouping, the blocks for an inner group are contained within the outer group border, and the category label for the outer group is displayed in a header bar. As it does for individual blocks, the color of group borders and headers represents a numeric value for the group.
Filter Mode (on shortcut menu)
Select one of the following to indicate how you want Vision to display the visualization map if you use the color or size slider to filter out blocks:
Compact — Vision removes the blocks that fall outside one or both of the metric value ranges and relocates the remaining blocks to eliminate the gaps.
Ghost — Vision removes the blocks that fall outside one or both of the metric value ranges but leaves gaps where the removed blocks were located.