Allow processing in closed periods
Select this option to allow access to postings and other account related processing menus in closed periods. If you do not select this option, Vision disables access to these menus in a closed period.
This setting affects the following applications:
- Transaction Center
- Accounting
- Billing
- Human Resources
If a user tries to run one of these applications while in a closed period, or tries to switch to a closed period while running one of these applications, the user receives an error message.
Allow processing in prior periods
Select this option to allow access to postings and other account related processing menus in prior periods. The current period is the most recent period that has been opened.
This setting affects the following applications:
- Transaction Center
- Accounting
- Billing
- Time and Expense
- Human Resources
If a user tries to run one of these applications while in a prior period, or tries to switch to a prior period while running one of these applications, the user receives an error message.
Allow modifications in vendor review
Select this option if users in this role can make modifications in Vendor Review, including modifying the address code, payment date, or bank code for all accounts payable vouchers that have a balance.
Allow asset entries for AP Vouchers and Journal Entries
If you use the Vision Asset Management application, select this option to give users in this role the ability to enter asset items for accounts payable vouchers and journal entries. When you select this option, the
Allow Asset Entries option is enabled on the New Files dialog box in the Vision Transaction Center for journal entries and AP vouchers:
- For AP vouchers, Vision enables the
Create Asset option on the AP Vouchers Detail grid in the Transaction Center. When you select the
Create Asset option for a line item, Vision automatically generates a new equipment record for the asset item in the Equipment Info Center for the AP voucher line item when you post the AP voucher. In addition, you can add to the acquisition cost of an existing asset record in the Equipment Info Center.
- For Journal Entries, Vision adds an
Equipment column to the Journal Entries form in the Transaction Center. This creates a relationship between the equipment, or asset item, and is recorded on the History register for the transaction. The equipment number links the depreciation general ledger entry to the asset item.
Accounts Receivable comment review access
Specify the type of access that you want users in this role to have for reviewing comments on invoices, reports, in Project Review, and in the iAccess for Vision application.
Full: The user can review all comments.
None: The user cannot see any comments.
By User: The user can review only those comments that he or she created.
Accounts Receivable comment update access
Specify the type of access that you want users in this role to have for updating comments on invoices, reports, in Project Review, and in the iAccess for Vision application.
Full: The user can update all comments.
None: The user cannot update any comments.
By User: The user can update only those comments that they created.
Project Budget Worksheet
Use this option to specify the type of access that you want users with this role to have to the Project Budget Worksheet.
Read Only:The user can view the information on the Project Budget Worksheet, but make no changes.
Percents: The user can make modifications to the overall, labor, and expense percent completes in the Budget Setup section of the worksheet, and make modifications to the percent completes specified in the labor or expense budget detail lines.
Budgets: The user can modify existing budgets, add or delete budgets, recalculate the worksheet, and/or enter percent completes on the worksheet.
Full: The user can make modifications to existing data; add, modify, or delete budgets; enter compensation, consultant fees, and reimbursable amounts; recalculate the worksheet; and/or enter percent completes on the worksheet.
Labor Cost Rates/Amounts
Select this option to specify the type of access that you want users in this security role to have for reviewing labor cost rates and amounts on reports and project plans. The default is
No Access.
No Access: The user cannot access cost rates or cost amounts on screens and reports.
Subtotals Only: The user can access cost amounts on subtotal lines on reports and screens, but not on detail lines.
Final Totals Only: The user can access cost amounts on grand total lines on reports and screens, but not on detail report lines, screens, or subtotal report lines.
Full Access: The user can access all cost rates and cost amounts.
Keep these facts in mind when assigning cost rate access:
- Because cost rates impact many areas of Vision, it is important to ensure that the correct level of security is assigned. Contact your implementation specialist for further details.
- The cost rates setting applies to JTD labor cost and associated calculations (for example, EAC labor cost). This setting does not apply to planned labor costs; users with
No Access can view all planned labor costs.
- A role must have
Full Access to view a plan that has a Labor/Cost Rate Method of
From Employee Provisional Rate in Vision Planning.
If you're using iAccess for Vision, the
Labor Cost/Rates Amounts setting impacts how cost data is displayed within the different levels of the project's work breakdown structure. Based on the selected access rights, some fields will display
*** instead of the cost amount. This may impact how the project's amounts summarize because the cost may not be included in the calculation. iAccess for Vision applies these settings as follows:
No Access: The role cannot access cost rates or cost amounts on screens and reports except for the contract. iAccess for Vision displays *** instead of blank cost amounts. However, if the
Include Cost Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations option is selected, the cost amounts will display for the contract, profit, and EAC multiplier in the iAccess for Vision WBS.
Subtotals Only: The role can access cost amounts on subtotal lines on reports and screens, but not on detail lines. iAccess for Vision displays all amounts except details, where
*** displays, instead.
Final Totals Only: The role can access cost amounts on grand total lines on reports and screens. iAccess for Vision displays *** instead of blank amounts for the detail report lines, screens, or subtotal report lines. However, if the
Include Cost Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations option is selected, all amounts will display at the project (top) level of the work breakdown structure but
*** displays at lower levels.
Full Access: The role can access all cost rates and cost amounts.
Include cost amounts in spent and profit calculations
Select this option if you want users in this role to see spent and profit calculations when viewing labor cost amounts when a report is run at cost rates.
Labor Burden Rates/Amounts
Select this option to specify the type of access that you want users in this role to have for reviewing labor detail, including overhead, on Project reports. The default is
No Access.
No Access: The user cannot access burden rates or burden amounts on screens and reports.
Subtotals Only: The user can access burden amounts on subtotal lines on reports but not on detail lines or screens.
Final Totals Only: The user can access burden amounts on grand total lines on reports but not on detail lines, screens, or subtotal lines.
Full Access: The user can access all burden rates and burden amounts.
Include Burden Amounts in Spent and Profit Calculations
Select this option if you want users in this role to see spent and profit calculations when viewing labor cost amounts when a report is run at burden rates.