Define Field Mapping Between Vision and TrafficLIVE

Define the mapping of project/job structure, organization levels, and billable and non-billable labor codes between Vision and TrafficLIVE.

This mapping is only part of the configuration that you must complete for the TrafficLIVE integration. See the Deltek Vision TrafficLIVE Integration Technical Guide for complete configuration instructions.

To define field mapping between Vision and TrafficLIVE:

  1. From the Navigation menu in Vision, click Utilities > Advanced Utilities > TrafficLIVE Web Service.
  2. On the Mapping tab, complete the fields on the tab.
  3. Click Save on the toolbar.
Caution: After you set up WBS mapping and then you start sending, receiving, and updating fields between Vision and TrafficLIVE, it is possible to change the WBS mapping. Changing the mapping will not break future integration of timesheet records. However, this change may produce unexpected results on existing projects/jobs.

The structure on a single project/job could possibly become a mix of tasks and stages at the same WBS level as a result of changing the mapping. The main issue is that old projects/jobs could have a different WBS structure than new projects/jobs. An existing project/job could have some data at WBS2 that represents stage and some data at WBS2 that represents task.

Before you run the TrafficLIVE web service to link records between Vision and TrafficLIVE, be sure you have completely thought through your decisions about the WBS mapping. All projects/jobs follow the defined mapping.