Reduce Mileage Billing To Be Less than Cost When Mileage is Entered as an Expense

If mileage was submitted via the Vision Expense application, you can reduce it in Interactive Billing

To reduce mileage submitted via the Expense application, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Billing > Interactive Billing to display the Interactive Billing form.
  2. Open the appropriate project (or phase or task).  
  3. On the Expenses tab, select the row for the mileage expense.
  4. Click Modify, and enter the new value for the billing amount.

This entry will not increase or decrease the cost of the mileage, nor will it impact your general ledger.

If you want the billing amount to always be less than the cost amount, you can enter the billing and cost rates in the <Default> unit table. If this is an exception, create a new unit table as instructed in step 2.