Unbilled Services
Enter the account to which to post unbilled services. You can enter an account directly in this field, or click
to select an account from the Account Lookup list.
Vision automatically posts invoices to this account when a project’s revenue method is
N (No revenue recognition) or when Revenue Generation is processed (if you enable Revenue Generation) and you track one unbilled account. This is the offset entry to the uninvoiced revenue entry.
The default for this field is account
121.00 — Unbilled Services in the Standard Chart of Accounts. If you modify the account number, the new account must first be set up in the Account Info Center.
If you use Revenue Generation and you track only one unbilled services account, enter that account in this field. If you use Revenue Generation and you track more than one unbilled services account, select the
Enable tracking of this many revenue categories check box in this section, and enter multiple unbilled services accounts below that option.
Uninvoiced Revenue
Enter the account to which to post uninvoiced revenue. You can enter an account directly in this field, or click
to select an account from the Account Lookup list.
Uninvoiced revenue is earned revenue that is more or less than the revenue already billed. For example, if your revenue method is W (Revenue = Job-to-date Billings + WIP @ Billing), your uninvoiced revenue is generally a positive amount — in addition to what you already billed (project expenses incurred that you have not yet billed). If your revenue method is P ((Percent Complete x Fee) + Job-to-date Reimbursable Expenses), your uninvoiced revenue may be a negative amount if you bill more revenue than you recognize.
Vision automatically posts invoices to the uninvoiced revenue account when a project’s revenue method is
N (No revenue recognition) or when Revenue Generation is processed (if you enable Revenue Generation) and you track one unbilled account.
The default for this field is account
402.00 — Unbilled Revenue in the Standard Chart of Accounts. If you modify the account number, the new account must first be set up in the Account Info Center.
If you use Revenue Generation and you track only one uninvoiced revenue account, enter that account in this field. If you track more than one uninvoiced revenue account, select the
Enable tracking for this many revenue categories check box in this section, and enter multiple uninvoiced revenue accounts below that option.
Enable Revenue Generation Feature
Select this check box to enable the Revenue Generation feature. When you select this check box, the fields and check boxes in this section are enabled.
Enable additional revenue calculations at Project and group levels
With the
Enable additional revenue calculations at Project and group levels check box cleared, when you run Revenue Generation, a project's job-to-date (JTD) revenue is calculated as the sum of the revenue at the project's lowest work breakdown structure (WBS) level. For example, if a project has tasks, the project's JTD revenue is calculated as the sum of the revenue that is calculated for each of its tasks.
When you select the
Enable additional revenue calculations at Project and group levels check box, in addition to calculating a project's revenue as the sum of its lowest WBS level, you have the following options:
- For individual projects, you have the option to also calculate revenue at the project level. The project level revenue is compared with the sum of the revenue calculated at a project's lowest WBS level. The difference is posted to an adjustment phase or task. The adjustment ensures that the revenue that is calculated by summing revenue at the lowest WBS level is made equal to the overall revenue calculated at the project level.
To set up a project to calculate revenue in this way, on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center, you select the
Calculation option in the
Overall Revenue field. The
Calculation option displays only when you select the
Enable additional revenue calculations at Project and group levels check box, and it displays only at the WBS1 (project) level.
The following is an example in which the sum of the revenue for the lower WBS levels of a project does not match the revenue that is calculated at the project level: You use revenue method P (Percent Complete + Job-to-date Reimbursable Expenses @ Cost Rates) at the project level and revenue method W (Job-to-date Billings + Work-in-Progress (WIP) @ Billing Rates) at lower WBS levels.
- You can set up revenue groups for projects that are part of a group or contract.
Revenue Groups menu item in
is enabled. On the Revenue Groups form, you set up revenue groups, which are comprised of a main project, subprojects, a revenue method for the overall revenue group, and an adjustment phase or task for the revenue group.
When you run Revenue Generation, JTD revenue is calculated as follows for revenue groups:
Vision takes the sum of the revenue that is calculated for each subproject in a revenue group, compares this revenue amount to the revenue that is calculated for the overall revenue group (contract). It posts the difference to an adjustment phase or task for the revenue group. The adjustment ensures that the revenue that is calculated by summing revenue for the subprojects is made equal to the overall revenue calculated at the revenue group (contract) level.
When you use the Multicompany feature, you must run Revenue Generation separately for each company in your enterprise. See the discussion of Revenue Generation and Multicompany in the Concepts section of the help for information on how job-to-date revenue is calculated when you have projects whose phases and tasks belong to different companies or revenue groups whose subprojects belong to different companies.
If you use the Multicurrency feature, all the projects in a revenue group must have the same currency.
Enable tracking for this many revenue categories
Select this check box if you want to track more than one unbilled services and one uninvoiced revenue account with revenue categories.
In the field beside this check box, click
to select the number of unbilled services and uninvoiced revenue accounts (revenue categories) to track. You can select up to five.
After you select this option, the
Unbilled Services and
Uninvoiced Revenue fields that are above the
Enable Revenue Generation Feature section, are unavailable. Those fields are used only if you track one unbilled services and one uninvoiced revenue account. Enter multiple unbilled services and uninvoiced revenue accounts in the fields below the
Enable tracking for this many revenue categories check box.
When you enable the Revenue Categories feature, the
Revenue Categories section (with a revenue method field for each revenue category) displays instead of one
Revenue Method field in the following locations in Vision:
- Budget & Revenue tab in the Project Info Center
- Revenue Groups form in
Unbilled Services (for up to five revenue categories)
When you select the
Enable tracking for this many revenue categories check box in this section, enter the unbilled services accounts that you want to track in these fields.
Although it is not required, we recommend that you use a unique unbilled services account for each revenue category so that you can reconcile these accounts by revenue category.
in each field to select an account with Account Lookup.
The first three revenue categories are labeled
Consultants, and
Reimb. Revenue categories four and five are labeled
Revenue Method 4 and
Revenue Method 5.
You can rename these five revenue categories on the Labels tab in
Uninvoiced Revenue (for up to five revenue categories)
When you select the
Enable tracking for this many revenue categories check box in this section, enter the uninvoiced revenue accounts that you want to track in these fields.
The uninvoiced revenue account must be unique for each revenue category.
in this field to select an account on the Account Lookup.
Fee Invoice Billed (for up to five revenue categories)
If you select
Enable tracking for this many revenue categories, and if
Enable entry of fee bybilling category is selected on the Fees tab of the Billing Setup form, enter, for each revenue category, the revenue account to which you want Vision to post fee billed revenue for that revenue category.
Enable entry of fee by billing category is not selected on the Billing Setup form, these fields are not available.
in this field to select an account on the Account Lookup.
You must also map these accounts on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab of the Accounts Receivable Configuration form (). When you do, be sure to map them to the revenue category to which they are assigned in these fields.
If you do not enter a fee billed revenue account for one or more revenue categories, Vision posts the revenue for those categories to the default fee billed revenue account specified on the Accounts tab of the Billing Setup form.
Calculate unbilled services gains and losses
These options display when the Multicurrency feature is enabled.
- All revenue type Projects — Select this option if you want gains and losses for unbilled services to be calculated for all projects regardless of a project’s revenue method (type) when you run Revenue Generation.
- Revenue type B Projects only — Select this option if you want gains and losses for unbilled services to be calculated for revenue method (type) B projects only when you run Revenue Generation. This allows a project to have a revenue method other than B up until the point at which you need to calculate gains and losses for it. You enter and change a project’s revenue method on the Budget & Revenue tab in the Project Info Center. For revenue method B, revenue is calculated as job-to-date billings.