Print Firm Name
Select this option to print your firm’s name on your invoices. You specify the firm name on the General tab in
This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Do not select this option if your invoices print on letterhead or stationery that already has your firm’s name.
Print Firm Byline
Select this option to print your firm’s byline. You specify the firm byline in the
Byline field on the General tab in
This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Print Firm Address
Select this option to print your firm’s address on the first page of your invoices. You specify the firm address on the General tab in
This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Print Project Number
Select this option to print the project number on your invoices.
This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Print Invoice Number
Select this option to print the invoice number on your invoices.
This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Combine Project and Invoice
Select this option to print the project and invoice number together. For example, assume that you print an invoice for project 92005.00 and the next invoice number is 0000222; Vision prints 92005.00-0000222.
This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Print Project Name
Select this option to print the project name on your invoices.
This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Print Invoices with only AR
Select this option to print an invoice if there are outstanding accounts receivable on file for the project (and no billable detail), and one or more of the
Print AR options in the project’s billing terms is selected.
This feature is used only with Batch Billing (both draft and final).
Print Total Now Due
Select this option to display the Total Now Due amount after the Outstanding Invoices section of the invoice. This amount represents the amount currently outstanding plus the Total This Invoice amount from the current invoice.
This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
If you do not have one or more of the Print AR options selected in the project’s billing terms, this amount will not appear on the project’s invoice.
If you are displaying outstanding accounts receivable by phase or task, only the total now due will be listed for each phase or task and not for the total invoice. If you are displaying outstanding accounts receivable by project, the total now due will be listed for the entire invoice.
Note that if the billing terms use a custom invoice template, you need to select the
Print Total Now Due option from the General tab of the Invoice Template Editor for that template, in additional to selecting the option here, for this feature to be enabled.
Print Assigned Invoice Number
Select this option if you want assigned invoice numbers to print on draft invoices in Interactive or Batch Billing. The invoice number that you enter in the Assign Invoice Number form in Interactive Billing prints on the first page of the invoice, in the header on subsequent invoice pages, and on the Billing Backup report when you generate draft invoices.
<Draft> also prints below the assigned invoice number on the first page of the invoice.
In Interactive Billing, the assigned invoice number also displays when you select
Edit to edit an invoice in a third-party software application. For an invoice edited outside of Vision, you must manually delete
<Draft> before printing final invoices.
Invoice Addressee
This field allows you to select the line of text (such as Billing Client, Billing Contact) that Vision will use for the first line of the client's address on invoices. The address you enter will be the default addressee for session options in Interactive and Batch billing.
The available lines of text (such as Billing Client, Billing Contact) are established in Project Info Center.
Address Start
Enter the number of inches or millimeters below the standard address placement for the address to start printing.
The units in which you enter the measurement should match the type of units currently selected in the
Unit of Measure field on the Miscellaneous tab of Billing Setup.
If you enter zero, Vision does not change the standard address placement.
Page 2 Start
Enter the number of inches or millimeters below the standard page two start placement for the first line on the second (and subsequent) pages of your invoices to start printing. This dimension is used for invoices if no dimension is entered in
2nd Page Top for the invoice template.
The units in which you enter the measurement should match the type of units currently selected in the
Unit of Measure field on the Miscellaneous tab of Billing Setup.
You cannot enter a negative number in this field.
If this field value is used for an invoice, white space equal to the sum of this dimension and
2nd Page Header Height in the invoice template will also appear on the first page of the invoice, though the second page header itself is not displayed on the first page. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 and later versions were intentionally designed to insert this white space when suppressing the header on the first page.
Print Contact Title
Select this option if you want to include the Contact title on the invoice.
Print Contact Prefix and Suffix
Select this option if you want to include the contact prefix and suffix on the invoice.
Invoice Footer
Enter a default footer message to print at the end of the invoice.
Vision automatically wraps to a second footer line when you enter more than 70 characters. You do not have to enter a carriage return to get a second line. To create more than two footer lines, however, set the insertion point where you want each line to break and press ENTER.
If you are using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and you press ENTER to break a footer line, "garbage" characters appear in the footer if you export the invoice to the RTF file format or to Microsoft Word. This is due to a limitation of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. If that occurs, you can edit the RTF or DOC file to clean up the footer text.
Numbering Method
Select a method for automatically assigning numbers to invoices and credit memos that you create in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing. The options are:
Companywide — Use this method if you want one invoice numbering system applied across all projects. You enter the starting (next) invoice number on this tab.
Project — Use this method if you want to assign a separate invoice numbering system for each project. You enter the starting (next) invoice number on the Misc tab in Billing Terms for each project.