Configure Vision to Post Payroll by Individual Organization

You can configure Vision to post and track payroll by individual Organization, or aggregate this information to a default Organization you specify on the Organization General Setup form.

To track and post payroll by individual organization, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Configuration > Organization > General.
  2. Select one or more of the following options:
    Option Description
    Maintain separate balance sheets by Organization Select this option to have Vision track every Balance Sheet transaction, including payroll, by organization, enabling you to print a separate Balance Sheet for each organization you have established.

    You must select this option to select the Payroll liability distribution credit or Payroll (FICA) expense debit options.

    If you do not select this option, you are telling Vision to track all Balance Sheet transactions under one default organization, as specified in the Default Organization field, rather than breaking out detail by individual organization.

    Payroll liability distribution credit Select this option to show payroll liability distribution credits by organization. Selecting this option displays the Payroll liability distribution credit fields on the General tab of the Individual Organization Setup form. When you run payroll with this option selected, Vision does the following to determine which organization to credit:
    • Looks up the employee's organization (specified in the Employee Info Center) from the Individual Organization Setup and searches that Organization's Payroll liability distributions credit project number, as specified on the General tab.
    • Looks up that project number in the Project Info Center to search the Organization associated with the project.
    • Credits that Organization.

    You must select Maintain separate balance sheets by Organization to select this option.

    If you do not select this option, you are telling Vision you want to post payroll liability to a default organization, rather than breaking out the liabilities by individual organization. In this case, you must specify the default organization from the Payroll liability Organization if not distributing field.

    Payroll (FICA) expense debit Select this option to show the employer's FICA expense by organization. Selecting this option displays the Payroll (FICA) expense debit fields on the General tab of the Individual Organization Setup form. When you run payroll with this option selected, Vision does the following to determine which organization to credit:
    • Looks up the employee's organization (specified in the Employee Info Center) from Individual Organization Setup and searches that Organizations' Payroll (FICA) expense debit project number, as specified on the General tab.
    • Looks up that project number in the Project Info Center to search its organization.
    • Credits the organization.

    You must select Maintain separate balance sheets by Organization to select this option.

  3. Click Save.
  4. From the Vision main menu, click Configuration > Organization > Individual.
  5. Open an organization to specify liability distribution credit, contribution liability distribution credit, contribution expense debit and/or FICA expense debit projects.
  6. Enter information in the following fields:
    • Payroll liability distribution credit — Select the project, phase (if any), and task (if any) to use for the liability posting for employees associated with this organization in the payroll run.
    • Payroll (FICA) expense debit — Select the project, phase (if any), and task (if any) to use for the FICA expense posting for employees associated with this organization in the payroll run.
  7. Click Save.