Current Hours
This column displays the labor hours for the current period.
Current Amount
This column displays the labor amount for the current period.
JTD Hours
This column displays the job-to-date labor hours.
JTD Amount
This column displays the job-to-date labor amount.
Budget Hours
This column displays the budgeted hours.
Your selection in
Budget Source on the Budget tab determines whether budget hours and amounts come from the project budget worksheet, the associated plan's budget, or the associated plan's baseline.
Budget Amount
This column displays the budgeted labor amount.
Your selection in
Budget Source on the Budget tab determines whether budget hours and amounts come from the project budget worksheet, the associated plan's budget, or the associated plan's baseline.
Balance Hours
This column displays the labor hours remaining to complete the work. Vision calculates
Balance Hours as follows:
Budget Hours – JTD Hours
Balance Amount
This column displays the labor amount remaining to be spent to complete the work. Vision calculates
Balance Amount as follows:
Budget Amount – JTD Amount
Percent Budget Expended
This column displays the percentage of the budget expended as of the current date. Vision calculates
Percent Budget Expended as follows:
JTD Amount / Budget Amount
Percent Complete Reported
This column displays the overall percent complete for labor for the task, phase, or project. The percentage is based on cost or billing amounts, depending on your selection in
Report At. Vision calculates this percentage based on your selection of budget source on the Budget tab of the Options dialog box and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans. Overhead is not included in these calculations.
YTD Hours
This column displays the year-to-date labor hours.
YTD Amount
This column displays the year-to-date labor amount.
Pct Budget Expended (Hours)
This column displays the percent of the budget hours expended as of the current date. Vision calculates this percentage as follows:
JTD Hours / Budget Hours
Pct Complete Reported (Hours)
This column displays the overall percent complete for labor for the task, phase, or project. The percentage is based on cost or billing hours, depending on your selection in
Report At. Vision calculates this percentage based on your selection of budget source on the Budget tab of the Options dialog box and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans. Overhead is not included in these calculations.
Balance Hours at Budget Rate
This column displays the hours remaining to complete the work if they are expended at the budgeted rate. Vision calculates the balance hours as follows:
Balance Amount / Budget Rate
Budget Rate
This column displays the hourly rate that Vision uses to calculate budgeted labor amounts.
Balance Hours at Eff Rate
This column displays the hours remaining to complete the work if they are expended at the current effective rate. Vision calculates the effective rate as follows:
Balance Amount / Effective Rate
Effective Rate
This column displays your firm’s effective hourly rate. Vision calculates that rate as follows:
JTD Amount (at cost or billing rates) / JTD Hours
ETC Hours
This column displays the estimate to complete (ETC) hours. The estimate to complete hours are the estimated additional labor hours required to complete the work.
ETC Amount
This column displays the estimate to complete (ETC) amount. The estimate to complete amount is the estimated additional monetary amount for labor that is required to complete the work.
EAC Hours
This column displays the estimate at completion (EAC) hours. The estimate at completion hours are the estimated total number of hours that will have been worked at the completion of the project.
EAC Amount
This column displays the estimate at completion (EAC) amount. The estimate at completion amount is the estimated total monetary amount that will have been expended for labor at the completion of the project.
Pct ETC Expended
This column displays the percentage of the estimate to complete amount that has been expended as of the current date. This percentage is calculated as follows:
(Total labor + Overhead) / (Total labor + Overhead + ETC Amount)
Pct EAC Expended
This column displays the percentage of the estimate at completion amount expended as of the current date. This percentage is calculated as follows:
Total labor / EAC Amount
Project Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Billing Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Functional Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
This column displays the project number.
This column displays the phase number.
This column displays the task number.