PO Number
This column displays the purchase order number. Vision generates the purchase order number automatically when you create a new purchase order.
Vendor Name
This column displays the name of the vendor for the item or service.
This column displays the item number for the item or service.
This column displays the description of the item or service.
Order Date
This column displays the date on which the purchase order was created.
Receive Date
This column displays the date and time on which the items were received.
Qty Ordered
This column displays the quantity ordered.
Qty Accepted
This column displays the number of received items that have been accepted.
Amount Ordered
This column displays the cost of the originally ordered quantity of the item or service.
Accepted Amount
This column displays the cost of the items accepted to date.
This column displays the unit of measure for the item or service (for example, Each, Box, Case, Dozen, or Hour).
Prev Accepted Qty
This column displays the number of received items for this order that were accepted previously.
Open Qty
This column displays the number of items that have not yet been received.
Prev Accepted Amt
This column displays the cost of the items previously accepted for this order.
Open Amount
This column displays the cost of the ordered items that have not yet been received.
Qty Rejected
This column displays the number of received items that have been rejected.
Rejected Amount
This column displays the cost of the rejected items.
Rejected Quality
This column displays the reason that the items were rejected.
Back Ordered
This column displays Yes or No to indicate whether or not any of the items are on back order.
This column displays the vendor number.
Due Date
This column displays the date on which the item or service is due to be delivered.
This column displays the category to which the item is assigned (for example, Furniture, Data, Phone, or Supplies).
This column displays the employee number of the employee who placed the order.
Buyer Name
This column displays the name of the employee who placed the order.
Received By
This column displays the employee number of the employee who signed for the items when they were delivered.
Received By Name
This column displays the name of the employee who signed for the items when they were delivered.
This column displays the employee number of the employee who requested the item.
Requestor Name
This column displays the name of the employee who requested the item.
Packing Slip
This column displays the packing slip number.
Bill of Lading
This column displays the bill of lading number.
This column displays the note entered in the Notes field in the Receipts grid of the Purchase Order Receiving form.
Receive Notes
This column displays the note entered for the line item in the field in the Line Items grid of the Purchase Order Receiving form.
Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the currency of the purchase order amounts.