Set Up Alerts for AR Aging

AR Aging alerts notify specified employees when a project reaches certain accounts receivable criteria. For example, you can create an alert that notifies employees about invoices between 20 and 60 days old and over $2,000. This alert is triggered by the process server.

If the AR Aging alert returns a list of client records, clicking a client name displays the Invoice Review for that client. If the AR Aging alert returns a list of project records, the Project Review for that project displays when you click on the project name.

To set up AR Aging alerts:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Configuration > General System > Alerts.
  2. In the Folders field on the Alerts Configuration form, select Accounting.
  3. In the Alert field, select AR Aging.
  4. Select the Active option to enable the alert. If no rules exist for this alert, the Active option is disabled.
  5. Click Options to select an existing alert rule or to create a new rule. If a rule was already assigned to this alert, <options selected> displays in this field.
  6. To remove the option for this alert, delete <options selected>.
  7. Click Save.