Use this field to assign a vendor for the record. Click the lookup button to use the Vendor lookup to search for a vendor. After you enter the vendor, invoice date, and invoice number, Vision validates that no other AP invoice or AP voucher has that vendor, date, and number combination. Although Vision uses the invoice date and invoice number during the validation process, both are not required by default.
Invoice Date
Use this field to assign the date when the vendor was invoiced. After you enter the vendor, invoice date, and invoice number, Vision validates that no other AP invoice or AP voucher has that vendor, date, and number combination.
Use this field to select a currency that will be used for the invoice. By default, this field displays the functional currency associated with the company. This field is only available if your firm uses the Multicurrency feature.
Use this field to enter the invoice number for the record. After you enter the vendor, invoice date, and invoice number, Vision validates that no other AP invoice or AP voucher has that vendor, date, and number combination. If the validation for AP invoice fails, an error message displays. Click
OK to close the error message and clear the
Invoice field.
If the option
Display warning message for duplicate invoices for a Vendor in AP Transaction entry for AP Vouchers is enabled in System AP Configuration, then a warning message displays to inform you that the invoice has a duplicate voucher. Click
OK to close the warning message and continue.
Purchase Order
This optional field displays if the Purchasing module is enabled. Use the lookup to select the purchase order line item that is associated with the invoice. If a purchase order is entered in the field, the
Invoice Amount field is required and the Project grid is disabled. If the purchase order that you selected uses cost distribution data, then the cost distribution projects, accounts, and amounts for the selected PO line items display in the Project grid.
If you configured AP Invoice Approvals to generate an AP voucher automatically when an AP invoice is final approved and you enter purchase order items in the
Purchase Order field, Vision automatically creates an AP voucher from the purchase order when you final approve an AP invoice. Before you final approve the AP invoice, you must click
on the AP Invoice Approvals form toolbar and enter information for the AP voucher. (You configure AP Invoice Approvals to automatically generate AP vouchers from final approved AP invoices in
AP Liability
This field defaults to the mapped AP Liability for the vendor's default type for the selected company. Example: If the vendor's default type is Consultant, and Consultant is mapped to Consultant Liability for that company, then the field populates with Consultant Liability. See the discussion of the
AP Liability field in the help for AP Voucher transaction entry for more information.
This field displays the address of the vendor. Click the drop-down to view the description of the address. Click the lookup icon to open the Vendor Address lookup where you can select another address for the vendor.
This field displays the vendor's default payment terms after the vendor is selected. You can change the payments terms by selecting an option on the drop-down list. If you select the
Date option, then the date field to the right of this field becomes enabled and required.
Invoice Amount
This field displays the total amount of the invoice based on the information from the Project grid and is read-only. To modify the total amount value in this field, modify the values in the
Amount column of the Project grid.
If you selected a purchase order in the
Purchase Order field, then this field displays the total amount based on the selected purchase order. In this case, you can modify the value displayed.
Route To
Use this drop-down field to select an employee or organization that the AP invoice will be routed to. The lookup field to the right is enabled after you make a selection from the
Route To drop-down list.
If you select
Employee on the drop-down list, then the lookup functions as an Employee lookup. The Employee lookup displays all employees and is not restricted based on your user account’s security settings. If you select
Organization on the drop-down list, then the lookup functions as an Organization lookup (available only if organizations are configured for use in Vision).
Route To drop-down list and associated lookup field are hidden if the corresponding workflow step does not use the assignment hierarchy based on the Assignment Hierarchy in Approval Workflows Configuration.
in this field to send the employee an instant message or email message.