SF330 and SF255 Proposals and Multicompany

Some of the SF330 and SF255 fields are autopopulated with employee information that is entered in the Vision database. If you use Vision Multicompany, an employee record can be associated with multiple companies, which may impact the information that is included within the SF330 and SF255 proposal.

Employee Home Company

When you create an employee record in the Employee Info Center, the active company is automatically assigned as the employee's home company. Each employee has one designated home company, which you can think of as their current employer. In addition, you can associate additional companies with the employee record. This is useful when an employee needs to be assigned to a different company due to a temporary work assignment or an employment change.

The information that populates for each SF330 and SF255 proposal is based on the employee's home company, meaning that the data is driven by the home company that is associated with the employee record. Even if there are multiple associated companies, Vision will pull information from the home company that is associated with the employee record. However, you may want to manually update data theYears Experience and Prior Years with this Firm section to ensure that you are using the most accurate information. Because the information in these fields is useful when tracking years of employment, you can manually update the value entered for the home company so that it reflects the total years for all companies (or whatever is necessary for your firm's records).

For example, in Part II, Section 9, of the SF330, Employees by Discipline would only count an employee record that is active in the Home Company once (assuming that the Home Company is in the selected Organizations for the Proposal Firm). If the employee had an active status in a company that was selected in the Organizations for the Proposal Firm, but it was not the employee's Home Company, the employee would not be included in the total count. For this reason, you must manually update the numbers in these fields to accurately represent years with other firms and prior years at firm information.