Enter and Submit an Absence Request from the Timesheet Application

From a timesheet, you can enter and submit an absence request for time off from work.

There are two places in Vision where you can enter and submit absence requests—in the Absence Requests application or in the Timesheet application. This topic explains how to enter and submit an absence request from the Timesheet application.

To enter and submit an absence request from the Timesheet application, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Time & Expense > Timesheet.
  2. On the Timesheet form toolbar, click Show > Benefit Hours.
  3. On the Benefit Hours dialog box, click the Request Absence button. The button displays only if you have a benefit accrual code that has been configured for absence request approvals. This configuration is entered on the Benefit Accrual Setup tab in Configuration > Accounting > Time Analysis.
  4. In the Absence Type field on the Request Absence dialog box, select the type of absence that you are requesting, such as vacation or sick leave.
  5. In the three-month calendar section, click a date that you are requesting to take off. You cannot select dates that are in the past. Select as many dates as you need. Use the scroll-left and scroll-right arrows in the upper left and right corners of the section to bring different months into view. To select multiple adjacent dates in the calendar, left-click and continue to hold as you sweep across the dates in the calendar. Dates that you select are highlighted in blue and automatically display in the Hours Requested grid beside the three-month calendar section. To unselect a selected date, click the blue-highlighted date in the calendar.
  6. In the Hours Requested grid, change the prefilled number of hours in the Hours field as needed for a day. This field prefills with the number from the Hours/Day field on the Personal tab in the Employee Info Center for the employee who is requesting the absence.
  7. Enter any appropriate comments in the Comment field.
  8. Click the Benefit Hours button if you want to view your hours accrued and taken for vacation, sick leave, and so on.
  9. Click the Planned Hours button if you want to see a summary of your planned hours, if you are assigned to project plans in the Project Planning application.
  10. On the Request Absence toolbar, click Submit. The absence request is submitted for approval, and you are returned to the Benefit Hours dialog box.