Release Holds Automatically
Select this check box if you want all Held (H) detail items for a project to be changed automatically to Billable (B) when you accept an invoice.
Enable effective dates for labor billing rates
When you select this check box, the following occur:
- An
Effective Date column displays in the billing rate tables; however, entry is not required. You use this option in conjunction with the Date Based Rates feature.
- Revenue Generation honors effective dates for billing labor rate tables, labor category tables, and labor code tables when calculating rates and extensions.
- The Refresh Billing Extensions utility honors the effective dates for billing labor rate tables, labor category tables, and labor code tables when recalculating billing extensions for transactions.
- The
Use Rate Tables with Effective Dates option becomes available on the Rates tab of Plan Settings Configuration.
After you enable this feature and create rate tables with effective dates, you cannot turn off effective dates for rate tables until you delete all effective dates from existing rate tables. However, it is probably rare that this feature will ever be turned off once turned on.
Include Add-ons when Reporting at Billing Rates
Select this check box to include add-on fee charges when calculating billing extensions for project reports at billing rates. This setting lets you include add-ons in the billing extension calculation in postings and in the Billing/Refresh Billing Extension procedure.
Non-billable Labor Code
Enter the labor code (for example, A009) or labor code mask (for example, ___9) that you want Vision to treat as non-billable. If employees enter this labor code combination on their timesheets, the billing rate for the timesheet line item is 0.
Unit of Measure
From the drop-down list, select the unit of measure to use for the measurements that you enter in the
Address Start and
Page 2 Start fields on the General tab of the Billing Setup form.
Unit of Measure options are
Inches and
When you switch from one unit of measure to the other, the measurements in the measurement fields on the General tab are automatically converted to the new unit of measure.
(1 inch = 25.4 millimeter)
Enable Invoice Approvals
Select this check box to turn on the Invoice Approval feature. After you turn it on:
- The
Invoice Approval Process menu item displays in
On the Invoice Approval Process form, you set up invoice approval processes to use for your projects. An approval process defines who can approve and reject invoices and how and when notification alerts are sent.
- An
Enable Invoice Approvals check box and an
Approval Process field display on the Misc tab in
and on the Misc tab in
In Default Billing Terms Configuration, you enter the default invoice approval settings to use for new projects. You can override the prefilled settings on a project-by-project basis in a project's billing terms.
For projects that are set up before the Invoice Approval feature is enabled, you enter invoice approval settings in a project’s billing terms. You can also use the use Search and Replace utility to enter the appropriate approval process for a group of projects.
If you use the Multicompany feature, you enable invoice approvals for each company.
Default Approval Process
From the drop-down list, select the invoice approval process to use for projects that require invoice approvals when the
Approvals Process field on the Misc tab in
for a project is blank.
Although this default approval process is used when no approval process is entered for a project in Billing Terms, it does not prefill in the
Approvals Process field in a project's billing terms. The default approval process that you enter on the Misc tab in
prefills in the
Approvals Process field in
for new projects that you create.
Until you set up your own approval processes in Invoice Approvals (), only the
Default approval process displays in the drop-down list in the
Default Approval Process field.
Enable Pre-Invoices
Select this check box to turn on the Pre-Invoices feature for the active company. This feature allows you to produce a "request for payment" invoice that is not recorded in the general ledger.
When you select this check box:
- A Pre-Invoice tab displays in
. Use it to toggle between generating pre-invoices and regular invoices for a project in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing and to enter other pre-invoice settings for a project.
- A
Pre-Invoice item displays in the Section Order section of the Sections tab in the
. This allows you to add a pre-invoice section to an invoice template and select other options for the section.
- A
Pre-Invoice column displays in the grid for cash receipts entry in
, to allow you to apply cash receipts to a pre-invoice.
- A
Pre-Invoices column and a
Cancel button display on the Invoices on File dialog box in
. These allow you to preview pre-invoices and manually cancel unpaid pre-invoices.
- A
Print Pre-Invoices check box displays on the Options tab for the AR Aged report in
Pre-Invoice Receipt Offset
This field is enabled when you select the
Enable Pre-Invoices check box. Use the Account lookup in this field to select the general ledger account to credit when cash receipts are posted to pre-invoices. This account must be set up in the Accounts Info Center as a balance sheet account or an Other Charges account (type of account). This account is typically a liability account.
Overtime Indicator
This field defaults to display
Ovt as the indicator for overtime amounts on Invoice reports. You can change this indicator to any three-digit alphanumeric indicator to support your business requirements. For example, the Dutch indicator for overtime is
for "Overwerk."