Part II - General Qualifications
Government instructions: See the "General Instructions" on page 1 for firms with branch offices. Prepare Part II for the specific branch office seeking work if the firm has branch offices.
Vision automatically adds a Part II for the following firms:
- If you created this proposal from an opportunity, a Part II is created for the opportunity's firm. In
, each
organization is linked to a firm. An opportunity’s firm is determined by the opportunity’s
organization and the firm to which that
organization is associated in Firm Setup - Proposals.
- Any firm that has been added to Block C on Page 1 of the SF330.
To add a Part II for a firm, select from these options:
- From the shortcut menu, select
Add All Firms from Proposed Team.
- From the shortcut menu, select
Add Firms.
- Add a firm to Page 1, Block C.
From the shortcut menu, you can delete firm records from Part II.
1. Solicitation Number
(If any)
Government instructions: If Part II is submitted for a specific contract, insert the agency's solicitation number and/or project number, if applicable, exactly as shown in the public announcement or agency request.
Vision populates this block with the data you entered in Block 3 of the Page 1 tab. Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
Vision does not auto-populate Block 3 on the Page 1 tab.
2a. Firm (or Branch Office) Name
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the
Name field on the firm's General tab. Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
2b. Street
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block in one line, from the
Address 1 and
Address 2 fields on the firm's General tab. Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
2c. City
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the
City field on the firm's General tab. Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
2d. State
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the
State field on the firm's General tab. Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
2e. Zip Code
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the
Zip field on the firm's General tab. Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
3. Year Established
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the year portion of the
Date Established field on the firm's Additional Info tab.
Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
4. Unique Entity Identifier
Government instructions: Insert the unique entity identifier issued by the entity designated at SAM. See FAR Part 4.6.
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block with the entry in the
DUNS Number field on the firm's SF330 tab in Firm Setup - Proposals Configuration. Otherwise you must manually enter the unique entity identifier in this field.
5. a. Ownership - Type
Government instructions: Enter the type of ownership or legal structure of the firm (sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, joint venture, and so on).
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the
Ownership Type field on the firm's Additional Info tab. Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
5. b. Ownership - Small Business Status
Government instructions: Refer to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code in the public announcement, and indicate if the firm is a small business according to the current size standard for that NAICS code (for example, Engineering Services (part of NAICS 541330), Architectural Services (NAICS 541310), Surveying and Mapping Services (NAICS 541370)). The small business categories and the internet website for the NAICS codes appear in FAR Part 19. Contact the requesting agency for any questions. Contact your local U.S. Small Business Administration office for any questions regarding Business Status.
If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block based on the
Small Business check box on the firm's Additional Info tab:
Yes if the check box is selected or
No if the check box is cleared.
Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
6a. Point of Contact Name and Title
Government instructions: Provide this information for a representative of the firm that the agency can contact for additional information. The representative must be empowered to speak on contractual and policy matters.
Choose from the following options:
- If you create this proposal from an opportunity,
Vision auto-populates this block with data for the employee whose opportunity role matches the
Role used for Selection on the 330 Preferences form. If no preference is specified,
Vision enters data for the opportunity's
Project Manager.
- From the
menu, use
Select Employee to select an employee. You can only select employees that are linked to an
organization for this firm.
Vision uses the employee's
Name and
Title, formatting the name as specified in
Name Format on the 330 Preferences form. If no preference is specified,
Vision uses
First Name and
Last Name.
- From the
menu, use
Add Any Employee to select an employee. You can select any employee regardless of his/her
Vision uses the employee's
Name and
Title, formatting the name as specified in
Name Format on the 330 Preferences form. If no preference is specified,
Vision uses
First Name and
Last Name.
- You can enter in the data manually.
Deltek strongly recommends against this. It disables the auto-populate features here and in other parts of the SF330 form.
b. Telephone Number
If the employee in Block 6a was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the employee's
Work Phone.
Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
c. Email Address
If the employee in Block 6a was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the employee's
Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
7. Name of Firm (If block 2a is a branch office)
Government instructions: Enter the name of the firm if Part II is prepared for a branch office.
Choose from these options:
- If you created this proposal from an opportunity,Vision populates this block with data for the proposal firm whose Associated
Organizations tab lists the opportunity's
- For each firm you added using the shortcut menu,
Vision populates this block with the name of the
Parent Firm on the firm's Additional Info tab. If
Parent is selected on the firm's General tab,
Vision leaves this block empty.
- You can enter the data manually.
Deltek strongly recommends against this. It disables the auto-populate features here and in other parts of the SF330 form.
8a. Former Firm Name(s)
(If any)
Government instructions: Indicate any other previous names for the firm (or branch office) during the last six years. Insert the year that this corporate name change was effective and the associated unique entity identifier. This information is used to review past performance on Federal contracts.
Choose from these options:
- If you created this proposal from an opportunity,
Vision populates this block from the
Name on the first three rows of the Former Parent Firms grid of the proposal firm whose Associated
Organizations tab has the opportunity's
organization, if the firm's
Date Name Changed is a minimum of six years before today's date.
- For each firm you added using the shortcut menu,
Vision populates this block from the
Name on the first three rows of the Former Parent Firms grid on the firm's Additional Info tab whose
Date Name Changed is a minimum of six years before today's date.
- You can enter the data manually.
Deltek strongly recommends against this. It disables the auto-populate features here and in other parts of the SF330 form.
8b. Yr. Established
Choose from these options:
- If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block from the firm's Former Parent Firms grid, using
Date Est..
- You can enter the data manually.
Deltek strongly recommends against this. It disables the auto-populate features here and in other parts of the SF330 form.
8c. Unique Entity Identifier
Choose from these options:
- If the proposal firm was added using an auto-populate feature,
Vision populates this block with the entry in the
DUNS Number field in the Former Parent Firms grid on the Additional Info tab in Firm Setup - Proposals Configuration for the firm.
- You can enter the data manually.
9. Employees by Discipline
Government instructions: Use the relevant disciplines and associated function codes shown at the end of these instructions and list in the same numerical order. After the listed disciplines, enter in any additional disciplines and leave the function code blank. List no more than 20 disciplines. Group remaining employees under "Other Employees" in column b. Each person can be counted only once according to his/her primary function. If Part II is prepared for a firm (including all branch offices), enter the number of employees by disciplines in column c(1). If Part II is prepared for a branch office, enter the number of employees by discipline in column c(2) and for the firm in column c(1).
Vision populates Block 9 from the proposal firm's Disciplines grid on the SF330 tab of
From the
menu, you can:
Add Disciplines: Select from a list of all SF330 disciplines. You can select multiple disciplines at the same time. If you try to add more disciplines after you have 20 disciplines in Block 9,
Vision tells you that you cannot add more.
Delete Disciplines: Opens a Delete Item(s) dialog box that shows the disciplines that are in the proposal now.
Reorder Disciplines: Opens a Reorder Items dialog box that shows the disciplines that are in the proposal now. Select the discipline whose sequence to change, then click
Up or
Down to move the discipline to a different location in the list.
Recalculate Counts: Recalculates the total number of employees in each discipline. If the number of employees changes after you enter data in Part II, or if you add or delete disciplines, select this option to re-calculate the total quantities. When you use
Recalculate Counts,
Vision deletes the number of disciplines that you wrote in this block.
9a. Function Code
Vision populates this block with the discipline's Code.
9b. Discipline
Vision populates this block with the discipline's Description.
9c. No. of Employees - (1) Firm
Vision enters the number of employees across all
- Whose Skills grid on the Experience tab lists the discipline on this row as their Primary discipline; and
- Whose
Status is Active; and
- Whose Termination Date is empty on the Personal tab.
Other Employees,
Vision enters discipline totals based on the remaining number of active employees by primary discipline, including both SF330 and non-SF330 disciplines, minus those disciplines selected in Block 9.
Vision populates
Total with the sum of all rows in this column.
To refresh this block, select
Recalculate Counts from the
menu in Block 9.
9c. No. of Employees - (2) Branch
Vision enters the number of employees for this proposal firm:
- Whose Skills grid on the Experience tab lists the discipline on this row as their Primary discipline; and
- Whose
Status is Active; and
- Whose Termination Date is empty on the Personal tab.
Other Employees,
Vision enters the discipline totals based on the firm's remaining number of employees by primary discipline, including both SF330 and non-SF330 disciplines, minus those disciplines selected in Block 9.
Vision populates
Total with the sum of all rows in this column.
To refresh this block, select
Recalculate Counts from the
menu in Block 9.
10. Profile of Firm's Experience and Annual Average Revenue for Last 5 Years
Government instructions: Profile of Firm's Experience and Annual Average Revenue for Last 5 Years. Complete this block for the firm or branch office for which this Part II is prepared. Enter the experience categories which most accurately reflect the firm's technical capabilities and project experience. Use the relevant experience categories and associated profile codes shown at the end of these instructions, and list in the same numerical order. After the listed experience categories, enter in any unlisted relevant project experience categories and leave the profile codes blank. For each type of experience, enter the appropriate revenue index number to reflect the professional services revenues received annually (averaged over the last 5 years) by the firm or branch office for performing that type of work. A particular project may be identified with one experience category or it may be broken into components, as best reflects the capabilities and types of work performed by the firm. However, do not double count the revenues received on a particular project.
Vision populates Block 10 a - c from the proposal firm's Project Codes grid on the SF330 tab of
To add additional project codes, select
Add Profile Codes from the shortcut menu. You can also use the shortcut menu to delete or reorder profile codes.
From the
menu, you can:
Add Profile Codes: Select from a list of all SF330 profile codes. You can select multiple profile codes at the same time. If you try to add more profile codes after you have 22 profile codes in Block 10,
Vision tells you that you cannot add more.
Delete Profile Codes: Opens a Delete Item(s) dialog box that shows the profile codes that are in the proposal now.
Reorder Profile Codes: Opens a Reorder Items dialog that shows the profile codes that are in the proposal now. Select the profile code whose sequence to change, then click
Up or
Down to move the profile code to a different location in the list.
10a. Profile Code
Vision populates this block from
Code on the Project Codes grid of the SF330 tab.
You cannot edit this block. To delete or reorder a profile code, use the shortcut menu for Block 10.
10b. Experience
Vision populates this block from
Description on the Project Codes grid of the SF330 tab.
You cannot edit this block. To add, delete, or reorder a profile code, use the shortcut menu for Block 10.
10c. Revenue Index Number
To comply with the Brooks Act, which prohibits fee-based federal procurement of architectural and engineering services, and to maintain the confidentiality of your company's financial records and simplify completion of Part II, Block 10c of the SF330, the federal government requires use of Professional Services Revenue Index Numbers.
The SF330 index is a revised version of the Professional Services Revenue Index used in the SF254.
Vision populates this block based on the proposal firm's
Annual Average Revenue - Last 3 Years on the SF330 Tab of
11. Annual Average Professional Services Revenues of Firm for Last 3 Years
Government instructions: Complete this block for the firm or branch office for which this Part II is prepared. Enter the appropriate revenue index numbers to reflect the professional services revenues received annually (averaged over the last 3 years) by the firm or branch office. Indicate Federal work (performed directly for the Federal Government, either as the prime contractor or subcontractor), non-Federal work (all other domestic and foreign work, including Federally-assisted projects), and the total. If the firm has been in existence for less than 3 years, see the definition for "Annual Receipts" under FAR 19.101.
For each firm you add,
Vision populates blocks 11 a - c.
Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
11a. Federal Work
Vision populates this block with the revenue index number in
Federal Work on the firm's SF330 tab.
Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
11b. Non-Federal Work
Vision populates this block with the revenue index number in
Non Federal Work on the firm's SF330 tab.
Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
11c. Total Work
Vision populates this block with the revenue index number in
Total Work on the firm's SF330 tab.
Otherwise you must enter this data manually.
12. Authorized Representative —
The foregoing is a statement of facts.
Government instruction: An authorized representative of the firm or branch office must sign and date the completed form. Signing attests that the information provided is current and factual. Provide the name and title of the authorized representative who signed the form.
a. Signature
Block 12a of the merge template for this page contains a graphics placeholder.
After you merge the SF330 proposal, you can open the merged proposal in Microsoft Word and merge the signature image of the employee who is selected in Block 12c.
b. Date
Select Date and select the date from the popup calendar.
c. Name and Title
Select Signer to open a dialog showing those employees whose
organization is on the Associated
Organizations tab of a firm added to Section C.
Or click
Select any Signer to open a dialog showing all employees.
Vision adds the selected employee's name and title in one line, formatted as you specify in
Name Format on the 330 Preferences form.