Add a New Journal Entry File
You can add a new journal entry file in Transaction Entry.
To add a new file, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
In the
Transaction Type field on the Transaction Entry form, select
Journal Entries.
The transaction type list is filtered based on your security role's access rights. If you use Vision Multicompany, this list is further refined based on the active company. See the Accounting tab of Role Security (
) for more information. -
On the New File dialog box, complete the following actions:
- In the File Name field, enter a name for the transaction file.
- In the End Date field, enter or select the ending date for the transaction file.
- If you use Multicurrency, use the Currency field to specify the transaction currency for the journal entry.
- Optional. In the Control Total field, enter an amount.
Complete one of the following options if the journal entry is a recurring transaction:
- Select the Recurring option for transactions that occur each accounting period.
- If you instead need to schedule the frequency or number of recurrences, select the Manage Recurrence option and complete the associated fields.
- If the transaction requires automatic reversal, select the Reverse On option and complete the associated fields, including the date for the reversal.
- Optional. If you use Asset Management, select Allow Asset Entries to associate an equipment item with the journal entry. Vision adds an Equipment column to the Journal Entries form, which allows you to associate a depreciation entry with an asset. This option is automatically selected for Journal Entries that are created through Depreciation Processing.
- Click OK.
- Complete the header fields on the Journal Entries form to specify the reference number, date, description, and journal entry type (accrual, cash, or both).
- If you want to include the amount of this journal entry when Vision calculates job-to-date billings for the referenced project, select the Update project billing amount when adjusting option.
To specify line items for the transaction file, add rows to the grid; each row represents a single line item.
Option Description To add a new line item Place the row selector on the row above where you want to add the new line item and click Insert.
To add a new line item that is similar to an existing one Place the row selector on the row that you want to copy and click Copy. Modify the data on the new row.
To delete a line item Place the row selector on the row and click Delete.
- Click Save. The fields below the grid display summary information for the transaction file.