Form 1099 Processing
You must provide a 1099 form at year-end to any consultant to whom you paid above a specified amount (as legislated). The 1099 form displays the amount paid by your firm to the consultant.
Through Vision, you can calculate 1099 data and print 1099s on forms that fit your computer printer.
You distribute the five copies of this form as follows:
- Copy A to the Internal Revenue Service Center
- Copy B to the recipient
- Copy C to the payer for the payer’s records
- Copy 1 to the state tax department
- Copy 2 to the recipient for the recipient’s state taxes
Use the Vendor List report to obtain a list of 1099 vendors and the amount that you paid to each one during the year. Add the following items to the Vendor List report:
- On the Columns tab of the Vendor List Options form, add the 1099 Req and Paid Last Year columns to the report.
- On the Sorting/Grouping tab of the Vendor List Options form, select 1099 Required to sort/group the report.
The report provides paid-last-year totals for vendors, whether or not they require 1099s. This report does not compare the minimum payment required for 1099s with the actual payment that you made to vendors to distinguish which vendors will have 1099s generated for them in Form 1099 Processing.