Employee's Home Company

When you use Vision Multicompany, an employee record must have one designated home company.

When you create a new employee record, the active company is automatically assigned as the employee's home company on the General tab of the Employee Info Center. You can think of the home company as the employee's current employer and the "owner" of their personal information (address, phone, and so on). Pay rates, accounts, and timesheet information are also entered for the employee and the home company.

If the employee needs to be assigned to a different company, you can use the New > Associate Employee with New Company option to create a new record for the employee that is associated with a different company. This does not change or remove the designated home company and its details, but rather creates an additional record for the employee. In the new record, you can specify the employee's organization, pay rate, account, and timesheet information that is specific to the newly associated company. You can continue to do this for every company the employee is associated with. In other words, one employee may have multiple employee records in the Employee Info Center, each with its own associated company and specifications. This allows Vision to process transactions and reports for each company using the appropriate organizations, pay rates, accounts, and timesheet information for the employee.

When you view an employee that is associated with several companies, the home company record will display first.