Import Accounts into a General Ledger Budget

To add accounts to a budget, you can import accounts from other budgets, the Income Statement, or the Balance Sheet.

To import accounts into a General Ledger Budget, complete the following steps:

  1. On the toolbar of the General Ledger Budgeting form, click Tools > Import Accounts.
  2. On the Setup Budget Accounts dialog box, select the source of the accounts (another budget, the Income Statement, or the Balance Sheet).
  3. Select the accounts.
  4. If accounts are specified on the budget and you want to replace any duplicate account numbers/names when importing, click Replace matching account numbers when importing. You cannot have duplicate account numbers in a budget. If you do not select this option and Vision detects duplicates, the original account numbers or names are retained.
  5. Click OK.
Postrequisite: When you import accounts, Vision does not automatically import the amounts currently on file for the accounts. You must complete the procedure in Copy Amounts to the Current Budget.