Matching Suggestions Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to configure a filtered list of suggested records when manually matching transactions in Bank Reconciliation.

When you manually match transactions, the Bank Reconciliation application provides a list of all unmatched transactions and a separate list of suggested transactions. The suggestions are Vision-posted records that are a close match to the imported bank transaction, based on either the date or the amount of the transaction.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Vision Navigation Menu, click Configuration > Accounting > Banks.
  2. Open an existing bank code or create a new record.
  3. Click the Import tab.
  4. Select the Import check box if it is not yet selected.
  5. Click the Matching Suggestions button.



Field Description
Days +/- Use this field to enter the number of days difference between the posted record and bank transaction for records to display in the suggestions section of the matching dialog box in Accounting > Bank Reconciliation, for payment transactions. For example, enter 5 to specify that if there is a record with a five day difference between the Vision bank document line date and the bank statement line date, it will display in the suggested section in Accounting > Bank Reconciliation.
Amount +/- Use this field to enter the transaction amount difference between the posted record and bank transaction for records to display in the suggestions section of the matching dialog box in Accounting > Bank Reconciliation, for payment transactions. For example, enter 1.00 to specify that you want to include transactions that are off by a dollar between the bank record and the Vison-posted record.


Field Description
Days +/- Use this field to enter the number of days difference between the posted record and bank transaction for records to display in the suggestions section of the matching dialog box in Accounting > Bank Reconciliation, for receipt transactions. For example, enter 5 to specify that if there is a record with a five day difference between the Vision bank document line date and the bank statement line date, it will display in the suggested section in Accounting > Bank Reconciliation.
Amount +/- Use this field to enter the transaction amount difference between the posted record and bank transaction for records to display in the suggestions section of the matching dialog box in Accounting > Bank Reconciliation, for receipt transactions. For example, enter 1.00 to specify that you want to include transactions that are off by a dollar between the bank record and the Vision-posted record.