Organization Levels to Use (max of 2)
If your firm uses organizations in Vision, select one or two organization levels by which you want to filter the workbooks that are designed to be filtered by organization. If your firm uses two or more organization levels, two levels must be selected. Vision will prompt you accordingly if you need to select two organization levels.
By default, the workbooks that include filtering by organization use levels 1 and 2 of the organization structure.
Workbooks that automatically apply an "organization is mine" filter, such as the Organization Manager workbooks, apply it based on the highest organization level that you select here. If you select two levels, those workbooks display a quick filter so that you can also filter by that second organization level. Executive workbooks, which are designed for analysis across multiple organizations, display quick filters for both organization levels if you select two levels.
These settings do not affect the organizations for which data is displayed. Organization data is always displayed for level 1 or level 2. For example, if you select levels 2 and 3 of your organization structure as the levels at which you want to filter dashboards, Executive sample dashboards still display, or drill down to data for, levels 1 and 2 of your organization. However, that data may be filtered for specific organizations at level 2 or 3.
If you later publish workbooks with different organization levels selected, the newly selected organization levels replace the original levels as the filter levels, but only for the workbooks published at that time. To avoid confusion if you change the organization levels, Deltek recommends that you also republish all workbooks for all Tableau Server sites so that they all use the same organization levels.
This field will not be available if your firm does not use organizations in Vision.