Budget Milestone Alert Configuration Dialog Box
Budget Milestone alerts notify selected employees when budgets of specified plans reach or exceed specified milestones.
You can also notify people when a plan is first associated with a project, or when a plan's baseline has changed. This alert is triggered by the process server and a change in the database.
Milestones can be by amount or by percentage. You can specify certain accounts and/or vendors to monitor in a plan.
To display the dialog box:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- In the Folders field on the System Alerts Configuration form, select Resource Planning.
In the grid, click
Budget Milestone and then click
Alerts Grid
Send To
Select the employee(s) or employee group(s) to receive the alert.
Alert Criteria
Delivery Options
You can select one or both of these options.
Email Options
These options are activated when you select Email for the delivery option.
Milestones Grid
You can enter information for the budget amount or the budget percentage, not both.