Set Reporting Options for a Transaction List

You can specify reporting options for transaction lists.

To set reporting options for a transaction list, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Vision Navigation menu, click Transaction Center > Transaction Lists.
  2. Click the Show Report Options option on the toolbar.
  3. In Transaction Type, select the type of transaction.

    The transaction type list is filtered based on your security role's access rights. If you use Vision Multicompany, this list is further refined based on the active company. See the Accounting tab of Role Security (Configuration > Security > Roles) for more information.

  4. On the grid, select the transaction file that you want to print or preview.
  5. Click Print or Preview on the toolbar.
  6. In the Report Name field on the General tab of the Options dialog box, enter a name for the transaction list.
  7. On the Layout tab, set the font type, margins, orientation, page size, and other formatting options.
  8. Click Run.

You can save reporting options for use in future sessions.