Merge Presentation Dialog Box

Use the Merge Presentation dialog box to insert the actual data from Vision for each field that you inserted into your presentation template.


To display the dialog box, complete the following step:

After you complete and save the template file in PowerPoint, click Deltek Vision on the Add-Ins tab toolbar, and click Merge Presentation.


Field Description
Merge presentation template from Select the Info Center from which you will merge data.
Deltek Vision Item Enter all or a portion of the name of the specific Vision client, contact, opportunity, or project for which you want to include data in the presentation, and click the lookup button next to the field to select the record in the Lookup dialog box.

Click Merge to connect to Vision and merge Vision data into your presentation. The integration tool inserts the actual Vision data for each field that you inserted into your presentation template.

The connection that enables you to include Vision data in your presentations is a one-time connection, not a live connection. This means that the connection is made only when you select the Merge option on the Merge Presentation dialog box. Any updates made to Vision after that point are not automatically updated in your presentation.