Asset Management and Multicompany

When you use Vision Multicompany with the Asset Management application, there are specific settings that apply to Asset Management set up and processing.

  • Asset Management Configuration — The configuration settings that you enter in Configuration > Asset Management for Asset Management only apply to the active company. The active company, also known as the current company, is the company that you select at login. For this reason, you must configure asset management separately for each company. If you want to change from the current active company to a different company, you can use the Change Company utility (Utilities > Change Company) to select a different company to become the active company and then configure that company's settings.
  • Equipment Info Center — When you have multiple companies in Vision, the Equipment Lookup dialog box in the Search field on the Equipment form includes equipment items from all companies. However, only the equipment items from the companies that you have security access to display in the dialog box.
  • Processing Options:
    • Depreciation — You must run depreciation processing separately for each company. Depreciation only applies to assets that belong to the active company.
    • Transfers/Splits — You can process a transfer or split for an asset item only if you are transferring or splitting from and to a project in the same company. Transfers/Splits only apply to assets that belong to the active company.
    • Disposal — You can complete a disposal session for assets that belong to the active company.