Units Table Format (UN)
Follow Vision specifications for preparing a file containing Unit items.
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Notes |
AvailableForPlanning | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether Available for Project Planning is selected for this unit table. |
AvailableForTimesheet | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether the Available for Timesheet option is selected for this unit row in the unit table. The setting is N if the unit is linked to an inventory item. |
BillingCurrecyCode | nvarchar | 3 | The billing currency for the billing rate. |
BillingRate | decimal | 19,4 | Billing rate per unit to use. |
Company | nvarchar | 14 | The company whose unit table this is. |
ConsolBill | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether to consolidate billing on the invoice. |
ConsolCost | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether to consolidate cost detail on the invoice. |
CostRate | decimal | 19,4 | Cost rate per unit. |
CreditAccount | nvarchar | 13 | Account to credit with the sum of costs to the unit. |
CreditWBS1 | nvarchar | 30 | Project to credit with the sum of costs to the unit. |
CreditWBS2 | nvarchar | 7 | The reference field for the project phase. This column is populated by Vision once the CreditWBS1 column in this table is filled in. |
CreditWBS3 | nvarchar | 7 | The reference field for the project task. This column is populated by Vision once the CreditWBS1 column in this table is filled in. |
EmployeeSpecificRevenue | varchar | 1 | Determines whether the unit will allow employee association for revenue. |
FilterCode | nvarchar | 10 | The Unit Table's code, from the CFGUnitTableCode table. |
FilterOrg | nvarchar | 14 | The code for the organization associated with the TableNo. This code works as a filter, enforcing record-level access for this table. |
FilterPrincipal | nvarchar | 20 | The Employee ID of the principal associated with the TableNo. This code works as a filter, enforcing record-level access for this table. |
FilterProjMgr | nvarchar | 20 | The Employee ID of the project manager associated with the TableNo. This code works as a filter, enforcing record-level access for this table. |
FilterSupervisor | nvarchar | 20 | The Employee ID of the supervisor associated with the TableNo. This code works as a filter, enforcing record-level access for this table. |
Format | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating the billing line format. Valid options are 1-Name only, 2-Name and detail, 3-Detail only. |
Item | nvarchar | 30 | Inventory item associated with the unit. Only applicable when using Vision Inventory. |
Name | nvarchar | 40 | Name for the unit. |
OHAccount | nvarchar | 13 | Default account to use when an overhead project is specified in data entry. |
PluralLabel | nvarchar | 10 | Label to use when more than one unit is specified. |
PostAccount | nvarchar | 13 | Posting account to use when generating the invoice. |
ProjectCurrecyCode | nvarchar | 3 | The project currency for the cost rate. |
RegAccount | nvarchar | 13 | Default account to use when a regular project is specified in data entry. |
ShowDate | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether to show the transaction date on the invoice. |
SingleLabel | nvarchar | 10 | Label to use when just one unit is specified. |
ShowCalc | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether to show calculations on the invoice. |
Status | varchar | 1 | The unit's Status, from the CFGUnitStatus Table. |
Unit | nvarchar | 11 | Unit number. |
UnitTable | nvarchar | 30 | Unit table. |
UnitType | nvarchar | 10 | Unit type. |