Set Up Alerts for AR Aging
AR Aging alerts notify specified employees when a project reaches certain accounts receivable criteria. For example, you can create an alert that notifies employees about invoices between 20 and 60 days old and over $2,000. This alert is triggered by the process server.
If the AR Aging alert returns a list of client records, clicking a client name displays the Invoice Review for that client. If the AR Aging alert returns a list of project records, the Project Review for that project displays when you click on the project name.
To set up AR Aging alerts:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click .
- In the Folders field on the Alerts Configuration form, select Accounting.
- In the Alert field, select AR Aging.
- Select the Active option to enable the alert. If no rules exist for this alert, the Active option is disabled.
Options to select an existing alert rule or to create a new rule. If a rule was already assigned to this alert, <options selected> displays in this field.
- To remove the option for this alert, delete <options selected>.