Hourly Rates Subtask

Use this subtask on the Payroll Checks screen to view any hourly rate information that was included on the paystub.


If the hourly rates were stored in the Manage Employee Earnings History record, those rates will be displayed. Otherwise, the application will calculate the hourly rates.

Field Description
Pay Type Description

This field displays the pay type description that was assigned to the pay type when the paycheck/advice was printed.

Earnings Week

The application populates this field with the earnings week, if applicable.


This field displays the number of hours charged against the specified pay type. If the paystub hourly rates were consolidated, this could be the sum of hours from multiple pay types.

Hourly Rate

This field displays the amount paid per hour worked against the specified pay type.

Additional Amount

On certain record types, this field is populated with that additional amount. This is reported separately from the Hourly Rate since it is a fixed amount that was added after the hours were multiplied by the hourly rate. This field will be populated with 0.00 if there is no additional amount.


This field displays the amount charged against the specified pay type. If the paystub hourly rates were consolidated, this could be the sum of amounts from multiple pay types.