Project Fee Subtask

Use this subtask to maintain estimates-to- complete for project fee.

Enter and maintain ETC fee amounts for the project and organization selected in the main screen. There are currently two valid types of fee. When updating incurred amounts, the utility summarizes fee in the project ledger and inserts it into this table with a Fee Type of F. The second type of fee is other fee, for award or incentive types of fee. These fee amounts are user-entered. They are assigned a Fee Type of O.


Field Description
Fee Type

Enter the fee type. Valid options are:

  • F: Fee
  • O: Other Fee

This non-editable field displays the cumulative fee recognized for this project and organization.

Estimate to Complete

Enter the estimate-to-complete fee amount for this project and organization. If you elected to update ETCs based on subtracting actual incurred from budgets, this amount may have been calculated for you by the Compute Estimate to Complete screen. When you enter an amount, Costpoint recalculates the Latest Revised Estimate at Completion (LREAC) by adding Incurred and Estimate to Complete.


Enter the LREAC fee amount for this project and organization. If you elected to update ETCs based on subtracting actual incurred from budgets, this amount may have been calculated for you by the Compute Estimate to Complete screen. When you enter an amount, Costpoint recalculates Estimate to Complete amount by subtracting Incurred from LREAC. The formula is: LREAC = Incurred + ETC.

% Complete

Enter the percent complete for fee for this project and organization. This amount may have been calculated for you by the Compute Estimate to Complete screen if you elected to update ETCs based on subtracting actual incurred from budgets. When you enter a percent, Costpoint recalculates the LREAC by dividing Incurred by % Complete, and recalculates Estimate to Complete by subtracting Incurred from LREAC.

Previous EAC

This field displays the previous estimate at completion that was updated by the Compute Estimate to Complete screen.

Previous % Complete

This field displays the previous percent complete for the previous estimate.


This field displays the total fee budgeted for this project and organization from the Manage Project Total Budget screen.

Last Update

This non-editable field displays the last time fee amounts were updated with new Estimate to Complete, LREAC amount, or % Complete.