Migrate GovWin Capture Management Data

Use the Migrate GovWin Capture Management Data screen to transfer vendor, customer (client), opportunities, and contracts (projects) information from your GovWin Capture Management system into Costpoint.

The purpose of this screen is to help you to initially load your data into Costpoint if you are transferring systems from Capture Management to Costpoint Contract Management. This screen is designed to be used only during this transition phase.

After the data migration, you will be able to view your Capture Management records in the following Contract Management applications:
  • Manage Contracts (CTMCNTR)
  • Manage Opportunities (CTMOPP)
  • Manage Contract Management Vendor Info (CTMVEND)
  • Manage Contract Management Customer Info (CTMCUST)
Warning: Since the data migration requires proper setup and accurate mapping of Capture Management fields to Costpoint fields, we recommend contacting your account manager to coordinate consulting services to ensure the best possible experience during this transition.

This screen has the following tabs:

  • Lookups: Use this tab to select that lookup information that you want to transfer from Capture Management into Costpoint.
  • Vendor: Use this tab on the Migration Capture Management Data screen to include vendor information from GovWin Capture Management in the data transfer to Costpoint.
  • Customer: Use this tab on the Migrate Capture Management Data screen to include customer/client information from GovWin Capture Management in the data transfer to Costpoint.
  • Opportunity: Use this tab on the Migrate Capture Management Data screen to include opportunity information from GovWin Capture Management in the data transfer to Costpoint.
  • Contract: Use this tab on the Migrate Capture Management Data screen to include contract/project information from GovWin Capture Management in the data transfer to Costpoint
Attention: For more information on the default mapping of Capture Management fields to Costpoint fields, please refer to the Deltek Costpoint 7.1.1 GovWin Capture Management to Costpoint Data Migration Database Mapping Guide.