Completed Activities Subtask

This subtask summarizes the amount of time each activity in a workflow requires for completion.


It shows total time for activities, as well as the breakup of time before starting the activity, and after starting the activity and until completion. It shows activities and options that have been completed and the average transfer time, average activity time, and average time to complete. It shows the number of cases of completed activities for the workflow. You can use this and other subtasks to track event trends. You also can use this subtask to analyze your business process, and to see the effects of wait times on the overall completion of a workflow, the effects of the order of activity completion, and the effects of the number of users who can complete activities.

Field Description

This field displays the currently selected workflow.


This field displays the subsystem to which this workflow is associated.


This field displays the status of this workflow.

Table Window

This table window displays information on activities that have been completed for this workflow.

Field Description

This field displays the name of the completed activity.


This field displays the completed options for this activity.

Average Transfer Time

This field displays the average time elapsed from the time the activity was placed in a user's inbox to the time the activity was started. You may want to consider why this transfer time is larger for some activities then others. A large transfer time may suggest adding more users who can complete the activity.

Average Activity Time

This field displays the average time elapsed from the time this activity was started to the time it was completed.

Average Total Time To Complete

This field displays the average total amount of time elapsed from the time this activity was placed in a user's inbox to the time it was completed.

Number of Cases

This field displays the number of workflow cases for this completed activity.


Subtask Description
User Productivity Click this link to open the User Productivity subtask and view user IDs and names of individuals who completed the selected workflow activity and the average transfer time, average activity time, and average time to complete.